Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014

The Importance of English Language in The Life

In a modern world filled with challenges and competition is super tight, advised everyone not only has a high level of education, but also required special skills that we commonly call 'skill'. One of the 'skill' that is most needed at this time is the English-language communication skills. In accordance with the above explanation, English is the global language, then for those who want a step ahead of people in general, need even need to master English. In this paper, the author wants to explore thoroughly to find out why the English language is so important and very important role to serve as an international language. Therefore in this paper will explain what is the reason for the English language was required for communication and in terms of what the English language is very important to use.

English in the Age of Globalization

             English proficiency in Indonesian society is still very minimal recognized. According to research conducted from the years 2007-2009 which was held by an English-speaking institution concluded Indonesian society was ranked 34th of the 44 states that have a native language other than English. Indonesia still far behind neighboring Malaysia is ranked 9th. Many reasons were complaints by the people of Indonesia in learning English, as difficult to learn or too complicated, feel that English is not too important, or for people who are old too late to learn English. Though English is a language that is very important and must be controlled by society and regardless of age, especially for people who are looking for work or who already have a job.
Many large and small companies or government agencies that require a person to speak English proficiently. In the ads too many job applications that include the applicants master the English language. English must be very controlled because English is the lingua franca of the world or international language. This language is used to communicate and interact in science and technology exchanges and cooperation in the world of business with entrepreneurs from other countries. Job opportunities for someone who mastered the English language is acceptable wide open work in the company or private institutions or government. Can be ascertained also can get a good position in the company or institution. Without english is difficult for a person to obtain a good job.
Gradually, the Indonesian state will use the system like other developed countries, the global market is where all the people in the various countries can work in Indonesia regardless of profession, because in the year 2012 is still foreign workers in Indonesia, which only the top positions Supervisior example, General Manager, Director, etc.. In the current era, capable and adept at mastering the English language is a plus because every company requirements that must be owned by one worker or employee, especially if the company international. Pentinganya awareness of the English language only realized one after searching for info scholarships or looking for workers who require the ability to speak English both oral and written. therefore many people who speak English hone skills since childhood. One of the requirements that must be owned by a person to get an international job and get overseas scholarships must invent the TOEFL test. TOEFL test is used to determine how a person proficient in mastering the language of Britons. A minimum TOEFL score requirements into account that a person must be achieved is 550.
             In Indonesia there are still many countries that have the perception that English is difficult, therefore there are many young people who are reluctant to learn English. Some things to watch out for someone to make it easier to learn the English language, including:
1 Recognize English
2 Start liking english
3 Listening, reading and watching movies that use the English language, as if someone used to hearing the word using the English word yan then our brains will automatically record the English language we have ever listened to it.
4 Dare to express themselves using English
Some losses in if someone can not speak English in the workplace, including:
1 Negotiations with foreign clients fail because of a lack of good communication
2 The work was delayed because of communication stammering
3. contract work with clients who use English as the language of instruction is not out completely understood.
4 Application of foreign employment in a company in decline because of the ability to speak English is minimal.
In addition, there are several advantages people have the ability to speak English, including:
1 English language is used as a source of knowledge access.
Many print and electronic media that use English as the language of instruction. One example of the English language is used as the language of instruction in the electronic media such as computers, laptops, notebook, ipad or links in Intenet.

2 Communication broad
Communication not only in face-to-face but with the use of media such as chat over the internet is also said to be komunikas. And why do people who have the ability to speak English memilii wide communication? Because almost saeluruh people in this world have agreed to use English as an international language or lingua franca which is often called international, so someone who has the ability to use language berkomukasi iggris have the opportunity to communicate and cooperate with other countries.

3 Mastering the Internet
              You might think that a lot of sites that are translated into Indonesian. But the fact is, 80% of electronic information is only available in English. While 20% of the others were not all dominated by Indonesian, but also non-English foreign language other, such as Chinese, Japanese, French and so on. So imagine just what percentage of all the information presented on the Internet in Indonesian. You do not need a tool / English dictionary translator.

Why should we use English? Padalhal there are languages ​​that can be used as an international language. There are several reasons why the use of English as an international language:

1 Historical Factors

        England known as the State inmperealis, where the century 17-19 British had occupied the region two thirds of this earth. Automated many countries that use English as the official language is English and because of the state established by the British Commonwealth as very large. In addition, an independent state under British nationality make English as everyday language.

2 Order Languages

English language has a complete order and neatly, making it easy to learn and apply. Actually, Indonesia also has the order of language as well as English, just got back again to the first factor that is because England had become State community formed by the British commonwealth.

3 more advanced civilization

               England is known to have a more advanced civilization. Quite often new ideas emerge from there. The position is made ​​stronger in the eyes of the British International and is considered as one of the mecca of civilization. Logically, if we want to learn from the experts, of course we have to understand the language he uses.

Sumber : http://aryani0194.blogspot.com/2012/10/pentingnya-bahasa-inggris-di-era_9.html 

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