Rabu, 31 Desember 2014


In every person's life, will definitely need a friend who can share when hard and happy. Companion does have a role that could make life more colorful. But the presence of friends is not to replace your spouse or lover.

When you have a good friend, not a gift or gifts or gifts they want. But the attention and patience they need. Sometimes friends also needs to be heard, be it happy or in sorrow. So if you have friends, then prepare enough time and patience to listen to all the problems and grievances that they feel.

Companions will help solve the problem you are facing. Or maybe just talk about work or life going on around you. Similarly, the friend, they also want you to do the same. Dividing funny stories can also make your closeness with his friend.

Variations or colorful life can be given by a friend to you. Spending time with friends will relax your fatigue after a solid office activity every day. Maybe you could have dinner together, window shopping will create a more pleasant proximity.

Give a bit of a surprise and concern to be closer friends. Though you are far away from friends, does not mean you forget it right? You can still communicate via the Internet, telephone or SMS. But should you not to forget her lover because she might be jealous again.

Characteristics of a good friend?
What are the characteristics of a good friend? A clever wise advised his son: "O my son, in case you feel the need to make friends with someone, then let you choose those that are as follows:
If you serve him, he will protect you;
If you close the friendship with him, he would reply back your friendship;
If you memerlu aid thereof, he will help you;
If you menghulurkan something good of him, he would take it well;
If he gets something virtues (help) than you, he will appreciate or call your kindness;
If he sees something that is not better than you, he'll shut it down;
If you ask for help from it, he will be working on it;
If you remain silent (kerana embarrassed about to ask), he asks you for your trouble;
If it comes something catastrophic happen to you, he will relieve your distress;
If you say to him, he will justify nescaya you;
If you design something, nescaya he will help you;
If you two quarreled, he was more pleased nescaya succumb to safeguard the interests of friendship.
He help fulfill the responsibility and prohibit doing bad and immoral cases
He pushed you achieve success in the world and the hereafter.

Source : http://ahmadnadja.blogspot.com/

White Teeth Healthy With 3 Natural Ingredients

Although it has been brushing your teeth regularly, no less a person still has less white teeth. Yellow teeth often occur because someone who is familiar with the consumption of coffee, and tea without offset maximum care. With white teeth, one's self-confidence can be increased. White teeth also trigger a person look more beautiful smile. For those of you who want white teeth easily at home, this is quoted from everydayroots.com natural materials that you can use to get white teeth.

     Lemon Juice and Baking Soda

     To get white teeth, you can use lemon juice and baking soda as toothpaste. Bikarbornat sodium content in the baking soda was allegedly able to help make the teeth are clean and white. While the nature of the lemon juice can help the mouth and teeth have unpleasant odor. The acidity of the lemon juice rich in vitamin C can be said even make your teeth cleaner and whiter. Applying these two natural ingredients on a regular basis will help you get your teeth clean, white and beautiful.
     Strawberry, salt and baking soda

     On strawberry fruit contains vitamin C which is good for preventing dental plaque and other bacteria that can make teeth appear yellow. An enzyme called malic acid in strawberries able to lift with both dirt on the surface of the tooth. Combine strawberries that have been mashed with salt and baking soda and use as toothpaste. If you apply this material on a regular basis, clean and white teeth you can get easily at home.
     Coconut Oil

     The benefits of coconut oil is widely known for the health care of skin, hair and other health health. And one of the benefits of coconut oil for health is as teeth whitening. Pure coconut oil applied directly to the teeth can help get rid of bacteria and dirt cause your teeth yellow. Besides being able to whiten teeth, coconut oil benefits otherwise very good for gum health.

Source : http://www.vemale.com/kesehatan/77104-dapatkan-gigi-putih-sehat-dengan-3-bahan-alami.html


Human Rights / Human Rights is the inherent right of every human being born in force since the beginning of life and the inviolability of anyone. As good citizens, we must uphold the values of human rights without distinction of status, class, ancestry, position, and so forth.

Violate someone's human rights in conflict with the law in Indonesia. Human rights organizations have containers that take care of the issues surrounding human rights, namely the Commission. Cases of human rights violations in Indonesia is still a lot of unfinished / finished so that the expected development of ham in Indonesia can be realized into a better direction. One of the leaders ham in Indonesia is Munir who was killed in an aircraft on the way to the Netherlands from Indonesia.

The following will describe several cases of human rights violations or controversy that occurred in our country.

Rules on human rights contained in the 1945 changes to 2 of article 28a through 28j.

Forms of human rights violations that occurred in Indonesia

Death Penalty

Controversy death penalty has long been present in almost all people and nations in the world. Indonesia did not escape from this controversy. To this day the pro and cons of the death penalty death penalty still crossed dispute. Each comes with a rational and evidence piles opposite, and in many ways as representing the truth itself.

Should controversy ended when the 1945 experienced a series of changes. In the context of the death penalty we really are talking about human rights that in 1945 after the changes included in Chapter XA. Article 28A explicitly says: "Everyone has the right to live and to defend life and the life".
Thus, the 'right to life' or 'the right to life' is the most fundamental rights in 1945.
The right to life is the pinnacle of human rights which is the parent of all other human rights.

Every citizen has the right to have children through marriage sah.Di Indonesia Polygamy still be pros and cons in the country kita.beberapa feel it is the right of every human being.
Religious Affairs Minister M. Maftuh Basyuni said that polygamy is not the intent of human rights contained in Article 28 B of paragraph (1) 1945. This article mentions every person has the right to form a family and continue the descent through legal marriage. According Maftuh, a basic human right enshrined in article it is the need to establish a family. The view that regard Article 28 B guarantees polygamy as a human right assessed Maftuh as erroneous view.

Polygamy in view of the religion of Islam is indeed one should not saja.Namun unusual if the call Polygamy as ibadah.Poligami was never done by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.Tapi it just to help widows were left for dead by her husband in the war not desire to meet the desires of biological alone.


Should, event local elections (elections) is the fresh blood that animate organisms local democracy with the proper functioning of the political organs in the area. However, throughout the history of the organization of the elections in Indonesia, it is full of human rights violations (HAM).

One reason is the freedom of the open faucet so quickly led to massive participation in the nomination of candidates for regional head, while the space is very tight and limited competition.

Moreover, the shadow of the potential power and wealth are very promising from the post of head of the region to attract more candidates, while most of them do not have the moral integrity and capability adequate expertise. Therefore, it is not uncommon ploys and political thuggery, whether intentionally or forced, is used in preference to reap public politics.

This is where human rights violations often occur. Indeed, an appreciation of human rights is an essential element that must exist in a democratic political system. According to political scientist G Bingham Powell (1982), one of the criteria a precondition of democracy in empirical dimension is '' citizens and leaders enjoy basic freedom of speech, press, assembly and organization ".

Therefore, in order to establish democracy in the local context, the efforts to minimize -if not possible menghilangkan- human rights abuses in the administration of the elections is a significant thing for discourse.

EMAIL tipped BUI 

Prita Mulyasari case menimpah quite menarik.Sebetulnya
not including large, but apparently there is a conspiracy to exaggerate. this case
stems from events "Moan" and personal from the victim (patient) at the Omni
International over the impact of treatment that resulted in the victim suffered additional injuries from old wounds. Estella is he to say to her friend via
email. That is the Pritchard can be referred to as the "Consumer" of service providers
The Omni effort. As consumers have a right to express Pritchard guts guts
dissatisfaction with the service provider and that too Reserved - Legal
No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection.
Law enforcement against Pritchard clearly violate human rights, Tangerang Police and prosecutor's office
Houses can be prosecuted and their back pain, for the sake of the good name and the losses suffered by the mother 2
This toddler children.


Case grandmother Minah origin Banyumas 1.5 months in prison sentenced to probation of 3 months due to stealing three cacao make Justice Minister Patrialis concerned. The law enforcement agencies should have a humanitarian principle, open only run positivistic law.

The irony of law in Indonesia began when Minah were harvesting soybeans in his land in Sidoarjo Hamlet, Village Darmakradenan, District Ajibarang, Banyumas, Central Java, on 2 August. Minah arable land is also managed by PT RSA to plant cocoa.

When it is cool to harvest soybeans, eyes fixed on the old Minah 3 ripe cocoa pods. From just looking at, Minah then pick it for sowing a seed in cultivated fields. Once picked, 3 pieces of cacao was not hidden but carelessly granted under the cacao tree.

And not long ago, through a cocoa plantation foreman PT RSA. The foreman was asked, who is picking the cocoa fruit. With plain, Minah admitted that his actions. Minah was lectured that the action should not be done because it is tantamount to steal.

A week later he received a call from the police investigation. The legal process continues until finally he had to sit down as a convicted thief in the District Court (PN) Purwokerto.


Trisakti is shooting, on May 12, 1998, against students during a demonstration demanding Soeharto stepped down from his post. This incident killed four students of Trisakti University in Jakarta, Indonesia, and dozens of others injured.
Those killed are Noble Eagle Lesmana, Heri Hertanto, Hafidin Royan, and Hendriawan Sie. They were shot dead on campus, hit by bullets in vital areas such as the head, neck, and chest.

eviction Home 

The eviction of the houses always happens every year. Urban planning has always been a reason for the government to pursue policies detrimental to most citizens of the city government itu.Kebijakan eviction is considered as a form of human rights violation. This was revealed in a discussion held by the Jakarta Residents Forum (FACT), Jl Pancawarga IV, Kalimalang, Jakarta, Wednesday (10/04/2006).

Liberation Adelin Lis 

Liberation Adelin Lis who is suspected that many cases of illegal logging in Indonesia permasyarakartan institution where he was being held at some time ago is one of the cases of human rights violations in our country. Justice Minister asserted, "That Adelin Lis independent of the on prison some time ago Wherever set on prison officers who work in places Adelin Lis on hold.
Here is the narrative of officers on prison guard who helped free Adelin Lis, "I helped Adelin Lis because he would give money if I can arrange his release letter". The fact of the narrative is in the Indonesian security forces are still inferior to the system of collusion which is often used by the peabat the fact guilty. In addition, penitentiary guards associated with the release of Adelin Lis today Wherever expressed as a suspect. The only real debate is the human rights activists, "Why is the security forces that were instituted correctional Adelin Lis detained place easily persuaded by a moment's pleasure promised by Adelin Lis?
Not long after Adelin Lis free, the police finally managed to re-capture Adelin Lis.

source: http://garabill.blogspot.com/2010/02/pelanggaran-hak-asasi-manusia-ham.html


         Eid al- Fitr is the feast awaited by all Moslem. I am so waiting it so much and want to feel the sensation of the feast. In the morning, my mother awakened and reminded me for carrying morning pray. When I left the room, my father and my mother had been carrying out the Subuh pray. However, my brother was still sleeping soundly and my mother told me that he was very hard to be awakened. After I did the Subuh pray, I rushed a shower and then wore my best clothes to go to the mosque. 30 minutes later, we were ready and immediately went to the mosque to perform Eid pray. The exclamations were reverberated when we walked into the mosque, and the mosque became a crowded atmosphere because almost all the people in my village had entered the mosque.
My father, my brother, and I were pretty hard to find a place to sit because the mosque was so crowded. Meanwhile, my mother had gotten a seat in the back, at the row of women. When we all had sat down, the prayer began. Eid prayer is a solemn moment and should be implemented by earnest. We were praying for five to ten minutes. After the prayer had completed, all the worshipers in the mosque were required to sit and listen to lectures. Lectures that delivered by the Islamic preacher aimed to motivate all Muslims to be able to become a better person after the month of Ramadhan.
Lecture proceeded for about ten minutes and we went home soon when the preacher had ended his talk. On the way home, my family and I met a lot of people and we shake hands with to be able to forgive each other. After I got home, I went to the kitchen and ate delicious food while my parents and my brother arranged the cake in the living room. I did not really care about it and more care about the food on the table. A few minutes later, neighbors came to the house for having the fellowship and I rushed into the living room to meet them. My family and I also walk around the village to visit all neighbor. Then, we spent the whole day at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. That was my Eid al-Fitr.

Source : Own


When holidays like this college often feel bored himself, because every holiday i live lectures in this time i was forced to live at home. And normally again, people who vacation at home have a variety of game consoles that can prevent him from boredom. Unfortunately i only have a laptop that capability simply to play games online and watching movies. Sad ? ? really .... who read wrote that concerned me feel especially (hahaha) . But life was as bad as anything must remain grateful . Positive side of my daily life is boring I was forced to find a new hobby in the holidays . I told her like adaptation to the conditions really sad.(LOL)

            Is the new hobby ? ? yes, download movies online with our site for free, quite right than have to go to theaters, to date collection of movies stored on my laptop had enough, good enough to supply entertainment when the holidays are long and boring come again. I usually download movies from sites like ganool.com and icinema3satu.com site because in addition to downloading free site is very up to date and easy download process.

            But can get free movies to download and collect movies I also get the advantage of being able to increase the friendship and association is due to the large campus friend who would like to exchange of films, so I that was once difficult to get along so have a fairly wide association. so, when a long vacation again sometimes I was invited by friends to holiday with them so it does not feel boring vacation enough anymore.

source: own


 1. MEMO
Memo is a concise and clear writing addressed to an individual who is informal writing is usually no more than 10 lines, the writing can be in tick yes or handwriting.

Memo used to remind or affirm on a case / matter. The contents of the memo form of a notice, request, instruction, advice, message, and certain tasks.

As well as regular mail memos have parts such as the head, torso, and legs memo.

     Head * Name

* address
* Emblem or logo Agencies

     Body * contents / short message (giving orders, information or reports)

     Feet * signature and name of the memo maker

Steps Writing Memo:
1. Prepare Blank Memo That would be in use
2. The writing may be typed or handwritten
3. The message / instructions with the proper language and brief
4. signed and include the name of the manufacturer clearly memo
sent a memo to the person in the mean

 Email is a means to send to send a letter through the internet. E-Mail is one process sending a letter via the internet using a very short time and fast (+ - 1 minute).

Terms of sending E-mail (Send a letter to the internet) is:

     Create email addresses example: info@g-excess.com
     Know the username and password of the email; "Account and password".
     Knowing E-mail on the go.

Internet has many free email service providers, such as www.yahoo.com, www.plasa.com, www.telkom.net, www.gmail.com.
You can create a free e-mail there.
Differences email by regular mail (letters using stamps) are:
a. It only takes a very short (+ - 1 minute)
b. Email address (email address is not like your home address)
c. Enough with the Internet network
d. Data security / letter guaranteed.

Ordinary letter (stamped):
a. By regular mail senders usually need to pay per delivery (by buying stamps).
b. Addressing Home / Office
c. Takes a long time
d. Mail Security is not guaranteed

Source : -http://putuaugiokaadiana.blogspot.com/2013/05/memo-pengertianbagianjeniscontoh.html

Sabtu, 08 November 2014


     Letter Of Inquiry is a letter of request, also known as a letter of the candidate. Which will be sent to companies. Request letter is a letter from a prospective buyer to the seller requesting information products offered. With a quote from the seller then potential buyers will know the price and a information of the items or services to be purchased. This is the purpose of the prospective buyer a write request letter to the seller. When the prospective buyer has to know the condition of an item or services following the price and term of sale and purchase, of course he does not need anymore request a quote from the seller. Letter of inquiry required in formal trade requiring formal procedures in writing. The letter of inquiry is often an early stage of the business transaction. By the letter of inquiry prospective buyers ask or inquiry about the items or service to be purchased. In response, the seller expalined the things he want to know the buyer, buyer’s reservation and eventually business transaction as the end of the buying and selling process.
In the letter of inquiry for the items usually offer prospective buyers ask :
1.    Name and type of items.
2.    Specification of items, namely : type, size, quality, capacity, etc.
3.    The price per unit.
4.    Piece.
5.    How to pay
6.    How to surrender, and
7.    Easy that may be obtained by the buyer, such as guarantees and other.
In addition to things mentioned above prospective buyers asking price lists and catalogs (if the items varies), and a technical description of the items in the form of leaflet or brochures. For items that are possible, prospective buyers can also request sent examples of the real stuff.
Through a letter of inquiry and supply service, prospecitve buyers can inquiry :
1.   The form of services that can be presented by the seller.
2.    Equipment that can be used by the seller as a support (If any)
3.    Price
4.    Piece and
5.    How to pay.

Example Letter Of Inquiry :
NO 78. JL.Kalibata Raya
Bekasi 1420, West Java

15 february 2013
Distro cloud Corporation
Pasundan  Raya Street, No. 15
Jakarta 1240
Dear Sirs,

We are a boutique located in Bekasi , and we were interested in your
distro cloud shirt medium size product.
Therefore, we will appreciate it if you can send us a very detailed explanation of the product complete with your catalogues, price list, term, sample of design, and payment.
We would also to know if you are offering any trade discounts.
If you can quote us your favorable prices, we would like to place our order
as soon as possible.
We are looking foward to hearing from you.soon.
Yours faithfully,

Sandra Puspita

Purchase Manager

Surat Balasan Letter Of Inquiry

Distro cloud Corporation
Pasundan  Raya Street, No. 15
Jakarta 1240

16 january 2013
NO 78. JL.Kalibata Raya
Bekasi 1420, West Java

Dear Mrs Sandra ,
We thanks you for your inquiry about our Distro cloud shirts product.
We are enclosing our catalogue together with prices and terms, for your review and are confident that this catalogue will provide many of
the answers you have inquired.
We are also pleased to inform you that we will allow you a 10% discount on order of 60 pieces.
We hope you will find our prices and terms satisfactory and expecting your order as soon as possible.
If there is additional information you would like to know regarding our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be most happy to be of assistance.
Yours faithfully,
For Distro cloud Corporation

Ismail Marzuki
Sales Manager

Order letter is used to order the goods in accordance with the amount needed by the company, either by using an official order form or not. There are two ways to make an order letter, namely:
1. Order without using the official order form (reservation without an official order form)
2. Order by using the official order form (order by an official order form)

Booking without the use of an official order form can be done by simply writing a letter with all the details of the order by directly entering into the letter. Accordingly, this letter serves as a letter of order, so the content should be clear, concise and straight to the goal.

usually in large companies, in general, is often done by using a form authorized buyer. Whenever you want to make an order, you can fill in the fields. Booking form is often called a purchase order (PO) usually consists of:

     No. (number) (number)
     The unit price (price peruntit)
     Description / items (goods)
     Amount (Amount)
     Quantity (number of many
     Delivery date (delivery date)
     Type (types)
     Terms of payment (payment method)

Example of Order Letter

Jakarta, April 2, 2013
Quantum Computers
5th Floor, Mangga Dua Mall
Block D26, Jakarta
Dear Mr. Richard Setiawan
I am interested in the items contained in the Computer Magazines March 30 issue of the computer magazine 2013.I want to order:

     1 piece external hard drive with a capacity of 2 terabytes
     First internal hard drive with a capacity of 1 terabytes
     2 piece external hard drive with a capacity of 500 gigabytes

please be sent to the address of Jl. Mampang intersection of IV 34 A, Tegal Parang, South Jakarta.
for the payment I Will Immediately transfer into your account ..
Yours sincerely,

The reason I bought it Because I need to backup the data is on your PC. when I SAW the ad in a computer magazine I thought I was really interested in the goods being sold Because it has a lower price than the market.

Letter of complaint
The letter claims is a notification letter from the buyer / buyer to the seller, because the goods are not received in accordance with the order.
because the complaint was made; quantity / quality of goods are not suitable, damage, delay, or denial of the contents of the agreement. Based on these factors, the buyer may submit a written complaint and the size of the losses depends on these factors.

example :
Jalan MT. Haryono 53
Surabaya, August 14, 2003
Number: 71 / BA / VII - 03
Re: PengaduanKualitasBarang
Jln. Ir. H Juanda
Dear Sirs,
Posts you be 89 tons of soybeans have been received on August 12 2003.Hal means faster than demand kami.Oleh therefore we thank you.
Need we say that after we kada ce 20 sacks of soybeans that quality is not in accordance with the order. Rather than the 20 sacks we return, we ask for a discount of 20%.
If you do not agree with the discounted price, please send an envoy to check it out and ask all sung his successor.
The attention and policy Brother, we thank you.

Ayub Kamma


Application letter is a letter that was made by a person to apply for a job in a company, agency or other agencies. Broadly speaking, job application letter is divided into two kinds of job application letter based advertising and job application on their own initiative. job application letter belongs to the class of formal or official letter in writing so that there are certain aspects that need to be noticed.

how to create a job application letter is good and right
1. Use proper grammar and correct.
use formal language for job application letter including a formal letter do not use inappropriate language in making a formal letter.

2. Write short sentences solid and clear.
Do not beat around the bush in writing a cover letter as a letter of application can display a person's identity as well as an agency or company does not like the cover letter rambling.

3. Write down manually by hand.
writing a job application letter manually preferred company because through handwriting can be assessed how the individual.

4. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the job application letter.
should be no streaks or used the eraser in a job application letter, if one writes better re-write in the new paper, do not use stipo to remove.

5. Fill in the data themselves clearly and information information about yourself, and attach supporting documents such as a curriculum vitae, copy of identity card and other documents that would be acceptable.

6. If you have a certificate that supporters can add a plus to yourself please feel free to attach it.

Example : 
Denpasar, 21 April 2014
HRD PT. Light Eternal,
Jl. Alor Island No. 10 West Denpasar

Dear Sirs,
I the undersigned:
Name: Ahmad Zakaria, SE
Place, Date. Born: Denpasar, May 29, 1985
Address: Jl. Tantular No. 15 Renon Denpasar
No. Phone / Mobile: 081338667711
Education: S1 Management

With this letter I would like to apply for work at the company that Mr. / Mrs. lead as Marketing.

I have experience working as a Marketing Manager in one of the leading company in Jakarta, and with this application letter I am ready to give you the dedication and competence of both my time and energy when needed and very much hope that I can be given an interview or other tests.

For your consideration, I enclose a letter:

1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Photocopy of diploma
3. Copy of certificate
4. Copy of ID card
5. Copy of transcript
6. Pas recent photos
7. Work Experience Letter

Similarly, job application letter, I ucapakan many thanks for the attention of Mr / Mrs.

Yours sincerely

Zakaria Ahmad, SE.

Memo is a concise and clear writing leads to a person's informal writing is usually no more than 10 lines, the writing could be on the tick yes or handwriting.

Memo used to remind or confirm about a thing / affair. The contents of the memo in the form of a notice, request, instruction, advice, messages, and specific task.

As well as regular mail memos have parts such as the head, torso, and legs memo.

     Head * Name

* address
* The symbol or logo Agencies

     Body * content / short message (giving orders, information or reports)

     Feet * signature and name of the memo maker

Steps Writing Memo:
1. Prepare a Blank Memo That will be in use
2. The writing should be typed or handwritten
3. The message / instruction with appropriate language and brief
4. The signed and include the name of the manufacturer clearly memo
sent a memo to the person in the mean

Example : 
SMA Negeri 1 Bogor
Paledang Road No. 17


To: All Teachers Indonesian

To win the speech contest Indonesian national level next month, hope the father / mother teachers should collaborate to help students who will participate in the speech contest.

Bogor, May 17, 2014


Amalia Fauhanisa

Sumber :
