Jumat, 10 Oktober 2014


What is a Letter of Understanding?
According to the coaching centers and language development departments of Education, a letter is defined as a means of communication used to convey information in writing by one party to the other. The letter is general understanding dna applicable to a variety of interests or purposes depending on the intent and purposes of each sender of the letter, where the letter could be a meeting invitation letter, the supply of goods, customer complaints, employment contracts, termination of employment, decrees and other .

Business letter is a letter that is used by a person, organization or institution that institutions deliver business messages in writing to the other party by using a particular medium whether it be sending a letter via postal mail, faksmilie, telephone or via the internet.

Layout of Business English Letter

1 Letter Head
Commonly referred to as the head of the letter, the letter also called business Letterhead, Letterheads is a title or information on leaflets letterheads. The contents of infromasi usually consists of name, address, telephone number, and company logo or design, and sometimes a background pattern. Letterhead this term is often used to refer to the entire printed sheet as Heading

2. Date
Date is the calendar which means appointed date, month, and year. Placement calendar letterhead is usually located under the right corner of the Letter Head.
To form the date of writing business letters can be divided into two forms:

1. Date in British style:
    In British English, usually written before the calendar month, to writing the date
    right, you have to know the first system in the British sequencing, sequencing in Languages
    English as follows:
    1 First: First (st)
    2 Second: Second (-nd)
    3 Third: Third (-rd)

    While writing calendar ending in numbers 4 - 10 may use the suffix (-th)
    end of the figure.

    For example: When writing dated 1 January 2011, then that should be known is the date
    ending in 1, then use the numeric suffix at the end of the st. So that the writing becomes 1st
    January 2011, if you write for the 7th January 2011, then the writing is 7th January

    Example: (day / month / year)
    02 / November / 2010

   2. Date in American style
            In English America can write the date simply by using numbers, Form
            The most common are:

            Example: (month / day / year) or month-day-year
                           November / 02/2010

            "It should be noted that usually means the date 5/10/2011 5 october 2011 in Languages
            British English, and in English can mean the 10th America may 2011. For
            avoid this confusion, it should be able to spell or use abbreviations months.

3 Inside Address
Inside Address is addressing the meaning of the recipient mail address. At the writing there name, address, postal code, and country.

Example: Dr. Calvin Carson
                       Cross Country Coach
                       Dept. of Athletics
                       Colorado Community College at Cripple Creek
                       Cripple Creek CO 80 678

4 References
Contains a reference that allows the sender and receiver do documentation or archiving of conversations prior to writing the article reference can be underlined, write references for the respondent in the format: 'Your Ref: PPP / C3'. If you want to add the reference of the delivery, the format of the writing: 'My Ref: Con / 13/1' or 'Our Ref: Con / 13/1'.

5. Salutation
Salutation is the greeting. Corresponding practices businesses can use the Salutation or greeting to initiate the content or purpose of the letter. Each form of greeting in a business letter has a level of formality and different prevalence. Letter business letter is not as free as a social or personal letters in placing Salutation.
Example: A. For a very formal business correspondence
· Dear Madam
· Dear Mesdames:
· Dear Sir:
· Dear Sirs:
Dear Sir or Madam ·:
· Sir:
· Madam:
· Mesdames:
· Sir or Madam:
· Sirs or Mesdames:
B. For Business correspondence not addressed to specific people within the company.
· Ladies and Gentlemen:
· Gentlemen:
· Ladies:
c. For business correspondence, characterized by formal, but still has the feel of hospitality.
· Dear Mr. Kunjana:
· Dear Mr. julian:
· Dear Messrs. Kunjana and julian:
· Dear Mr.Kunjana and Mrs.Reni:
There are several ways to write the greeting if you do not know the name of the intended person.
Example: A British English
1 Dear Sir / Dear Sirs = If the recipient Male
Dear Madam 2 = If the recipient Women
Dear Sir or Madam 3 = if the recipient does not know the sex
B. America English
1 = If the recipient Gentlemen Men
2 Ladies = If the recipient female
3 Ladies and Gentlemen = If the recipient is unknown gender, or
4 To whom it may concern = If the recipient is not known gender
In the American style, using punctuation "colon"
                                                                   Example: - Dear Mr. Fachmi:

If we do not know the name of the recipient
British English

American English

Dear Sir / Dear Sirs


Dear Madam


Dear Sir or Madam

- Ladies and Gentlemen
- To whom it may concern

not known

In terms of writing punctuation
British English

American English
Comma (,) behind the name or no punctuation

Colon behind the name
- Dear Mr. Roy
- Dear Mr. Roy,

- Dear Mr. Roy:

writing short
British English

American English

Without a dot

Use a dot (.)

- Mr. for men
- Mrs. for married women
Example: Mr.

Example: Mr.

- Miss for unmarried women
- Ms for women who are not known to have married / not

6 Subject
Subject meaning in Indonesian is Subject. That the contents of the letter, with the rationale for creating a letter by the creator to the recipient or at least understand the general picture mail message body content of the message of the letter business. Subject line or writing a subject line placed above Salutation. Subject may be written or typed with all capital letters or lowercase letters.
Example: SUBJECT: THE Illustrated CATALOGUE
Subject: The Illustrated Catalogue

7 Body of Letter
Part of the Body of the Letter or letter is the main core of the core business letter. in the core of the letter, the writer is trying to communicate what is going to be well received by the readers of the letter. If the core of communication between the sender and the recipient of the letter occurs (intertwined) well, it can be said that the letter has met the criteria of effectiveness and communicative.

8 Complementary Close
Part Complementary Close vary greatly both in form and style of writing on the part of the greeting or letter opener (Salutation). Close Complementary shape should be parallel or in line with the shape of his Salutation.
Following submission forms for the closing greeting business letter based on level keformalannya. From the highest to the lowest.
British style: Truly yours,
Faithfully yours,
Sincerely yours,
Respectfully yours,
Cordially yours,
                        American style: Yours truly,
Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
Respectfully Yours
                       Yours cordially
9 Signature
Most companies or institutions do not use Company Signature (signature of the company) in a business letter. Instead, they use a personal signature or personal signature of the leadership of the company or institution that is authorized to represent the company or institution in carrying out the duties and obligations of the business.
However, if Company signature or signatures of the company is used, the way of writing is to put under the complementary Close and typed in all capital letters
Yours truly,
Yours faithfully
Very truly yours,
Respectfully yours,

10 Enclosure
This section is written only if there are attachments that will be included in the business letter. Enclosure or attachments writing help author, recipient, and the secretary to determine the completeness examine appendices are included. If the attachments are not complete or not in accordance with written, the control can be easily done, The Enclosure writing variations can be observed in Example:
1 Comtract
2 Cheques
3 Memo
Enclosure: Contract
ENC .: Contract
Encl .: Contract

11. Postscript
Postscript located two spaces below the signature or initials of reference. A brief note is added when terminating a letter. Placed at the bottom left of the letter, before the CC. example:
- PS autem vel eum DUIs iriure dolor in velit esse hendrerit in vulputate molestie consequat, vel nulla facilisis feuqiat Illume u.
12. Carbon Copy Notation
Notation letter (carbon copy notation) is only written when writing a letter to convey the letter to duplicate certain parties, with the contents of the format, and everything is exactly the same as the original letter sheet. In writing, carbon copy notation can be shortened to CC followed by a colon or a colon, or can be a sign of cc (lowercase) are also followed by a colon.
Example: CC: Managing Director
                                                     cc: Academic Director

Form and Style English Business Letter
Business letter is an important part of business correspondence. Format used to write a particular company. way a business letter looks like this is important because it creates an impression on the reader. The format of the letter the company has done a lot to make an impression on the reader. A simple format of letter help convey the message clearly to the reader.

Based on the paragraph indentation and alignment, there are five formats used in writing a business letter.
A. Semi-Block Format: Business Letter
Semi-Block fromat: In this format, the text left aligned and all paragraphs in the letter is indented
The format of this form of the letter on the letter head, date, complementary close, and the signature are in a position flush right. Unevenness in the layout right, bs tp dibilangg centered. Other parts such as the letter inside the address, subject, Salutation, body of the letter, or if the presence of an attachment letter enclosure, in the position of the left.

B. Modified Block Format: Business Letter
Modified Block: This format has the parts that are not partly offset. parallel text in the upper left side. Just writing the address, the date (in layout to the left) and the closing of a letter moved to the middle or right side of the paper.


C. Full Block Format: Business Letter
At the writing of Full Block style: Business letters usually are on the left like a letter head, date, inside address, subject, Salutation, body of the letter, complementary close, signature or the whole of the format of the letter is in the left position.

D. indented Style: Business Letter
In this format each line first at the beginning of the paragraph begins with a few spaces from the left, usually 1 cm spacing. Writing inside the address and the signature is done indents. The amount of indentation on each line is proportional to the order of the lines. For example, do not indent the first line, the second line indent 0,5cm done, well done on the third row 1cm indent, etc.. In the first line of each paragraph starts a few spaces from the left. Usually spaced a distance of 1cm from the left boundary.

E. Hanging Style: Business Letter
Hanging Style Format Format is hanging paragraphs, or more inclined to the left. form of this letter on letter head, date, complementary close and signature are in the average position of the center letter. Other parts of the letter such as inside address, subject, Salutation, body of the letter is in the left position. the hanging paragraph, beginning paragraphs are not spaced.

65 Market Street
Val Haven, CT 95135

June 30, 2004

Customer Service
Cool Sports, LLC
8423 Green Terrace Road
Asterville, WA 65435

Dear Sir or Madam:

I have recently ordered a new pair of soccer cleats (item #6542951) from your website on June 21. I received the order on June 26. Unfortunately, when I opened it, I saw that the cleats were used. The cleats had dirt all over it and there was a small tear in front of the part where the left toe would go. My order number is AF26168156.

To resolve the problem, I would like you to credit my account for the amount charged for my cleats; I have already went out and bought a new pair of cleats at my local sporting goods store so sending another would result in me having two pairs of the same cleats.

Than you for taking the time to read this letter. I have been a satisfied customer of your company for many years and this is the first time I have encountered a problem. If you need to contact me, you can reach me at (555) 555-5555.



Ken Thomas

Source :
1. http://www.dailywritingtips.com/how-to-format-a-us-business-letter/
2. http://www.savvy-business-correspondence.com/IndentedBizLetter.html
3. http://books.google.co.id/books?id=P_8WeXHjjA0C&pg=PA28&lpg=PA28&dq=contoh+subject+english+business+letter&source=bl&ots=pvjRMmT9e_&sig=-A1w_J5yxJKp0_Lt1ov4bwvKR1Y&hl=id&ei=UKuRTqrzN8bXrQem94iZAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&sqi=2&ved=0CDkQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false
4. http://iiyyaa.blogspot.com/2013/10/contoh-surat-bisnis-dalam-bahasa-inggris.html

Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014

The Importance of English Language in The Life

In a modern world filled with challenges and competition is super tight, advised everyone not only has a high level of education, but also required special skills that we commonly call 'skill'. One of the 'skill' that is most needed at this time is the English-language communication skills. In accordance with the above explanation, English is the global language, then for those who want a step ahead of people in general, need even need to master English. In this paper, the author wants to explore thoroughly to find out why the English language is so important and very important role to serve as an international language. Therefore in this paper will explain what is the reason for the English language was required for communication and in terms of what the English language is very important to use.

English in the Age of Globalization

             English proficiency in Indonesian society is still very minimal recognized. According to research conducted from the years 2007-2009 which was held by an English-speaking institution concluded Indonesian society was ranked 34th of the 44 states that have a native language other than English. Indonesia still far behind neighboring Malaysia is ranked 9th. Many reasons were complaints by the people of Indonesia in learning English, as difficult to learn or too complicated, feel that English is not too important, or for people who are old too late to learn English. Though English is a language that is very important and must be controlled by society and regardless of age, especially for people who are looking for work or who already have a job.
Many large and small companies or government agencies that require a person to speak English proficiently. In the ads too many job applications that include the applicants master the English language. English must be very controlled because English is the lingua franca of the world or international language. This language is used to communicate and interact in science and technology exchanges and cooperation in the world of business with entrepreneurs from other countries. Job opportunities for someone who mastered the English language is acceptable wide open work in the company or private institutions or government. Can be ascertained also can get a good position in the company or institution. Without english is difficult for a person to obtain a good job.
Gradually, the Indonesian state will use the system like other developed countries, the global market is where all the people in the various countries can work in Indonesia regardless of profession, because in the year 2012 is still foreign workers in Indonesia, which only the top positions Supervisior example, General Manager, Director, etc.. In the current era, capable and adept at mastering the English language is a plus because every company requirements that must be owned by one worker or employee, especially if the company international. Pentinganya awareness of the English language only realized one after searching for info scholarships or looking for workers who require the ability to speak English both oral and written. therefore many people who speak English hone skills since childhood. One of the requirements that must be owned by a person to get an international job and get overseas scholarships must invent the TOEFL test. TOEFL test is used to determine how a person proficient in mastering the language of Britons. A minimum TOEFL score requirements into account that a person must be achieved is 550.
             In Indonesia there are still many countries that have the perception that English is difficult, therefore there are many young people who are reluctant to learn English. Some things to watch out for someone to make it easier to learn the English language, including:
1 Recognize English
2 Start liking english
3 Listening, reading and watching movies that use the English language, as if someone used to hearing the word using the English word yan then our brains will automatically record the English language we have ever listened to it.
4 Dare to express themselves using English
Some losses in if someone can not speak English in the workplace, including:
1 Negotiations with foreign clients fail because of a lack of good communication
2 The work was delayed because of communication stammering
3. contract work with clients who use English as the language of instruction is not out completely understood.
4 Application of foreign employment in a company in decline because of the ability to speak English is minimal.
In addition, there are several advantages people have the ability to speak English, including:
1 English language is used as a source of knowledge access.
Many print and electronic media that use English as the language of instruction. One example of the English language is used as the language of instruction in the electronic media such as computers, laptops, notebook, ipad or links in Intenet.

2 Communication broad
Communication not only in face-to-face but with the use of media such as chat over the internet is also said to be komunikas. And why do people who have the ability to speak English memilii wide communication? Because almost saeluruh people in this world have agreed to use English as an international language or lingua franca which is often called international, so someone who has the ability to use language berkomukasi iggris have the opportunity to communicate and cooperate with other countries.

3 Mastering the Internet
              You might think that a lot of sites that are translated into Indonesian. But the fact is, 80% of electronic information is only available in English. While 20% of the others were not all dominated by Indonesian, but also non-English foreign language other, such as Chinese, Japanese, French and so on. So imagine just what percentage of all the information presented on the Internet in Indonesian. You do not need a tool / English dictionary translator.

Why should we use English? Padalhal there are languages ​​that can be used as an international language. There are several reasons why the use of English as an international language:

1 Historical Factors

        England known as the State inmperealis, where the century 17-19 British had occupied the region two thirds of this earth. Automated many countries that use English as the official language is English and because of the state established by the British Commonwealth as very large. In addition, an independent state under British nationality make English as everyday language.

2 Order Languages

English language has a complete order and neatly, making it easy to learn and apply. Actually, Indonesia also has the order of language as well as English, just got back again to the first factor that is because England had become State community formed by the British commonwealth.

3 more advanced civilization

               England is known to have a more advanced civilization. Quite often new ideas emerge from there. The position is made ​​stronger in the eyes of the British International and is considered as one of the mecca of civilization. Logically, if we want to learn from the experts, of course we have to understand the language he uses.

Sumber : http://aryani0194.blogspot.com/2012/10/pentingnya-bahasa-inggris-di-era_9.html 

"All About Us"

Time was getting passed
Leave the story of us
Will no longer present your laugh
Tuk wipe out all the lonely hearts

There is a story about me and him
And when old times we shared
There is a story about a beautiful future
When we grieve when we laugh

Remembering when we laugh together
Tell me all about us

There is a story about me and him
And when old times we shared
There is a story about a beautiful future
When we grieve when we laugh

Sumber : Personal


Problems garbage in Bandung has become a serious problem involving every family and every citizen.

Actually, some trash on the ground Indonesia will be
destroyed and some are not easily destroyed. Waste that is not easily broken example is plastic. A family that dig his land to the trash and put a plastic garbage into it to make the soil becomes contaminated (polluted). When the excavated soil was full of trash and plastic waste, fill it with soil family. They also explore the new land in other parts of his yard. From year to year it is doing is digging new ground in the yard. Until one day when there is no more land that has not been dug for the trash. He then decided to dig a hole dug for the earliest bins in the hope, junk in it was destroyed. But he realized that some types of plastic waste and other waste lands not crumbling.

Some trash in Indonesia actually be destroyed by land, for example scraps. The rest of the food would be ruined and rotting. When attached to the ground, then the ground will recycle (break down) the rest of the food. No way will smell the stench. This is different to the rest of the plastic-wrapped food (eg rice packets). Rice will rot but the plastic withstand bacterial decomposition. The smell will sting and sour. The animals such as dogs, cats and chickens were throwing dirt. But they are not retained by the feces of plastic so they are crumbling dirt ground. Animal waste in the soil usually are easily destroyed in a few days and no longer smell.

Therefore, someone who is about to throw trash on the ground, must distinguish between organic waste with inorganic. Organic waste is waste that is relatively easily destroyed. While inorganic waste is waste that is not easily broken. Examples of organic waste is leftover vegetables in the kitchen, food scraps, paper, tissue. Examples of inorganic waste is plastic, metal, cans, broken bottles, broken glass, broken glass. Typically, everyone in Indonesia know garbage is broken and not easily destroyed.

Waste that is not easily broken (inorganic) better throw in the trash to be picked up by garbage collectors. Thus the land will not be contaminated with plastic and metal.

WASTE is a problem faced by almost all countries in the world. Not only in developing countries but also in developed countries, the waste has always been a problem. On average each day the major cities in Indonesia produce tens of tons of trash. The rubbish was transported by special trucks and dumped or stacked just in places that have been provided without any hand be upon again. From day to day the garbage piling up and there was a hill trash as we often see. Garbage piled up, it will certainly disturb the surrounding residents. Besides the unpleasant smell, garbage flies frequently. And it can also bring the plague.
Waste is a material that has no value or no value for the ordinary or main purpose of the fabrication or use of defective or flawed in fabrication or surplus or rejected materials or waste. " (Dictionary of Terms Environment, 1994). "Waste is a waste or discarded material from other human activities and the results of natural processes that do not have economic value." (Term for the management environment, Ecolink, 1996). "Waste is anything that is not useful anymore, discarded by their owners or users of the original". (Tandjung, Dr. M.Sc., 1982) "Waste is a resource that is not ready-made." (Radyastuti, W. Prof. Ir, 1996).
Waste from households, farms, offices, companies, hospitals, markets, etc.. Broadly speaking, waste is divided into:
1. Organic waste / wet
Example: kitchen waste, restaurant waste, leftover vegetables, spices or fruit leftovers, etc. that can decay naturally.
2. Waste inorganic / dry
Example: metal, iron, tin, plastic, rubber, bottles, etc. that can not decay naturally.
3. Hazardous waste
Example: Battery, mosquito poison bottles, used syringes, etc..

However, despite evidence it can harm the trash, garbage can also be converted into useful items by means of recycling. To minimize the impact of waste, waste disposed to be split, so that each part can be composted or recycled in an optimal, rather than discharged into the sewage system were mixed as the current. Furthermore industries are also encouraged to redesign products, to facilitate the process of recycling these products.

Principles of Treatment
These are principles that can be applied in the processing of waste. These principles are known as the 4R, namely:
- Reduce (English: reduce)
As much as possible to minimize the goods or materials that we use. The more we use the material, the more waste is generated.
- Using the back (English: reuse)
As much as possible choose items that can be used again. Avoid the use of goods, disposable waste (English: disposable).
- Recycle (English: recycle)
Where possible, items that are not useful recycled again. Not all items can be recycled, but it's been a lot of unofficial industrial (English: informal) and industries that utilize household waste into other goods.
- Changing (English: replace)
Peruse the goods we use everyday. Replace items that can only be used once the goods are more durable.
Here are the key points in waste management and waste disposal ideal series:
1. Sorting
• Segregation of waste produced source consisting of organic waste and anorgainik
• Selection of garbage that still has a high energy source
• waste recovery with high-value resources
individual is provided at home by providing 2 units of waste collection consisted of organic and inorganic waste
communal (container or TPS) specifically to accommodate various types of organic and inorganic waste such as for plastic, glass, paper, clothing / textiles, metal, large trash (bulky waste), B3 waste (batteries, fluorescent lamps, etc. ) and others.
3. Collection
• When collecting door to door every 1 to 2 days
• The time of garbage collection TPS 1 x week
4. Transport
• Garbage collection with compactor truck is different for each type of waste.
5. Recycling
Examples of recycling activities are included:
• recovery of waste paper that can be used mainly for external purposes
• Plastic former reprocessed to be used as an ore of plastic to serve a variety of household appliances such as buckets, etc.
• Electronic equipment secondhand separated each component builders (metal, plastic / cables, batteries, etc.) and do the sorting for each component that can be reused
• The glass / glass bottle glass separated by color (white, green and dark) and destroyed
6. Composting
• Composting is done manually or semi mechanically good for the scale of individual, communal and large scale (in the landfill).
• Making holes biopori functioning composting efforts as well as holes and water infiltration.
7. Biogas
• Organic waste is processed by means of partially digested as energy (bio-gas).
• The use of bio-gas, among others for district heating, electricity, and a stove for cooking.
8. Incinerator
• Incinerator communal per unit with a minimum capacity of 500 tons per day.
• The heat energy from the incinerator is used for district heating (T 50-70 degrees Celsius) and power supplies (20 - 40% of electricity supply comes from the incinerator).
• Emissions from the Incinerator in accordance with standards of air quality components including dioxin.
9. Landfill
• Landfill facilitated by means of the main and supporting a comprehensive suggestions
• garbage compaction density reaches 700-800 ton/m3
• Closure of daily ground with geo textile
• Closure of intermediate utilize the remaining land construction
• Closure of the final land taken very tight and reaches a thickness of 2 - 10m
• Gas Processing fitted with gas regulator, suction pump gas, gas detection equipment, turbines, boilers and others.
• Processing leachate (leachate) is done by oxidation pond aerator or
• Efluennya must be channeled into the sewerage pipe leading to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)

But in fact, How to control junk simplest and most effective way is to raise awareness of the self to not damage the environment with waste. In addition it is also necessary to control social culture more respectful environment. The Role of Government in this regard is also very necessary, with rules and sanctions that exist, is expected to minimize the environmental destruction by partie.

Sumber : http://waterfres.blogspot.com/2013/02/artikel-bahasa-inggris-tentang-sampah.html


Good morning all, Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah the Almighty God, now I can stand here in front of you all. At this moment we can meet in good condition. Now I will tell you about "The importance of protecting the environment"
Lingkungan Hidup

Plants, people, animals and the environment are interdependence. Plants need a good environment for growing, animals need plants to eat, and human need everything to survive. Everything went as usual until the human who destroying it. No one of living things on the earth who can destroying it except the human.

Globalization may already be familiar to you . Globalization can accelerate the rate of economy anywhere. Technology developed over the years become a tool that can easily human works. Even to support it many new technologies are born for example a computer. Unfortunately, the speed of current technological improvement not followed by protecting awareness of surrounding environment. Massive oil drilling caused by the human vehicle is increasing along with increasing human populations from year to year. Finally, the waste produced from the vehicles, become one of the main factors polluted air around us. A lot of environmental damage that we often hear, for example, global warming ,acid rain, greenhouse effect, environmental pollution and so on.

The greenhouse effect caused by excessive carbon dioxide gas and causes global warming makes the earth hotter. The next phenomenon is acid rain, although it can prevent global warming but acid rain is more dangerous. humans are the main causes ! Start From now let's keep our environment for our grandchildren one day later. because no matter how small work you do, will be felt by our children and grandchildren one day later.

This is enough from me . sorry if there was a mistake, thank you for your attention.

Sumber : http://muhammadkennedy.blogspot.com/2013/02/

"Smoking in the morning"

Especially accompanied by a cup of coffee, has become a ritual that hard to break. However, these habits seem to need to be stopped from smoking at the beginning of the day is more dangerous than smoking on the day or night. Research shows that smoking after waking up would increase the risk of lung cancer, neck and head. "Morning smokers have high levels of nicotine and other toxins from tobacco in his body. They are also more addicted than smokers who refrained from smoking a half hour or so after waking up," said researcher Joshua Muscat of Penn State College of Medicine. To find out why some smokers get cancer and not, Muscat and his team examined the link between cancer risk is there with the habit of first cigarette in the morning. The first study involved 4775 patients with lung cancer and 2835 of other smokers without lung cancer. Those who smoke 30 minutes after waking up 1.79 times higher risk of suffering from lung cancer than those who waited more than 60 minutes. Meanwhile, those who smoked 31-60 minutes after waking up had 1.31 times the risk compared to those who wait at least an hour. The second study involved 1055 people with brain and neck cancer and 795 people who smoked but did not suffer brain and neck cancer. Those who smoked within 30 minutes when you wake up 1.59 times the risk of brain and neck cancer compared with those who waited an hour. The risk of smokers who smoked 31-60 minutes after waking up 1.42 times than those who wait at least an hour.

sumber : http://kesitwidiyayuswanti22.blogspot.com/2012/04/contoh-artikel-dalam-bahasa-inggris.html