Minggu, 10 Mei 2015


Penggunaan Present Perfect Tense dan Simple Past Tense sama-sama untuk menjelaskan suatu kegiatan atau kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau, namun kalau diteliti lebih dalam lagi ada perbedaan dari kedua tenses ini. Kali ini akan dibahas hal tersebut agar tidak terjadi kekeliruan saat menggunakannya.


  1. Simple past tense adalah suatu tense yang menunjukkan suatu pekerjaan yang terjadi pada masa lampau tanpa ingin menunjukkan apakah pekerjaan tersebut telah atau sedang dikerjakan.
  2. Present perfect tense adalah suatu tense yang menunjukkan suatu pekerjaan yang telah dikerjakan pada waktu yang belum lama atau jika sudah lama maka ingin menunjukkan bahwa pelaku “pernah” melakukannya.

Keterangan waktu yang digunakan Simple past tense adalah masa lampau yang lebih spesifik, seperti: last week, yesterday, at 9 pm last night dan lain sebagainya. Artinya masa pada suatu periode (hari, minggu, bulan dan lain-lain) sudah berakhir.

Contoh: I went to Bali last last year (Aku pergi ke Bali tahun lalu). Waktu yang digunakan adalah tahun lalu (misal tahun 2013) yang tentunya sudah berakhir karena sekarang sudah tahun 2014.

Sementara Present perfect tense tidak bisa menggunakan keterangan waktu lampau karena bentuknya present namun masih memungkinkan untuk menggunakan masa yang telah lewat tapi masih dalam periode yang sama. Misalnya minggu ini, hari ini dan lain-lain.

Contoh: I have sent the email this week (Aku sudah mengirim email minggu ini).

Modus Akitifitas
Simple past tense hanya digunakan untuk suatu aktifitas yang terjadi pada masa lampau dengan waktu yang spesifik tanpa ingin menunjukkan bahwa pekerjaannya pada waktu itu sedang atau telah dikerjakan.

Contoh: I called you at 7 a.m yesterday, but you did not pick the phone up (Aku menelponmu pada pukul 7 kemarin pagi tapi kamu tidak mengangkatnya).

Sementara Present perfect tense selain bisa digunakan untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang baru saja selesai, ia juga bisa digunakan untuk menunjukkan aktifitas pada masa lalu dengan maksud ingin menunjukkan bahwa pelaku pernah melakukan pekerjaan tersebut pada waktu yang tidak spesifik.


I have ever gone to Bali with my family (Aku sudah pernah pergi ke Bali).

Have we met in this place before? (Apakah kita pernah bertemu di sini sebelumnya?)

Akibat Yang Ditimbulkan
Present perfect tense untuk menunjukkan bahwa aktifitasnya baru saja dikerjakan, sehingga akibat yang ditimbulkan masih bisa dirasakan.
Contoh: Be careful with that door, I have just painted it (hati-hati dengan pintunya, aku baru saja mengecetnya). Artinya karena baru saja dampak dari pengecetan yang baru saja dilakukan, catnya masih basah.
Sementara simple past tense dampaknya sudah tidak terlalu dirasakan karena sudah lampau.
Contoh: I played football yesterday (aku kemarin bermain bola). Artinya karena sudah kemarin, maka aku sudah tidak begitu merasakan capeknya bermain bola.

Source : www.inggrisonline.com


Adalah anak kalimat yang di fungsikan sebagai kata sifat (adjective) dalam kalimat. Dimana mempunyai fungsi untuk menerangkan kata benda atau kata ganti (modify noun or pronoun) dalam noun phrase. Dan biasanya diawali dengan that, who, where, when, whom, which atau whose.

Jadi, fungsi dari adjective clause atau relative clause adalah:
  1. Memperjelas atau mendefinisikan orang atau benda manakah yang sedang dibicarakan, tanpa membuat suatu kalimat baru.
  2. Menghindari pengulangan kata yang tidak perlu. Remember, avoid repetition as much as possible.
Adjective Clause atau Relative Clause adalah salah satu testing point yang hampir selalu diujikan dalam setiap test TOEFL.

Penulisan adjective clause atau relative clause dalam kalimat: Dengan koma atau tanpa koma?
Kadang kita bingung dalam menentukan apakah adjective clause atau relative clause harus dipisah dari kalimat induk dengan menggunakan koma atau tidak. Pahamilah aturan ini.
  • Jangan gunakan koma jika keberadaan adjective clause atau relative clause dalam kalimat dibutuhkan sebagai penjelas yang mendefinisikan orang / benda yang sedang dibicarakan. Inilah yang dalam istilah grammar disebut defining relative clause. Tanpa defining relative clause, hal yang dibicarakan dalam kalimat akan menjadi tidak jelas.
  • Gunakan koma jika keberadaan adjective clause atau relative clause dalam kalimat hanya sebagai informasi tambahan tentang seseorang / suatu hal. Inilah yang dalam istilah grammar disebut non-defining relative clause. Tanpa menggunakan non-defining relative clause-pun, hal / orang yang dibicarakan dalam kalimat sudah jelas.
Tips singkat membuat adjective clause atau relative clause

1."Who" digunakan jika adjective clause atau relative clause membicarakan seseorang, bukan benda.
  • The doctor who is examining the patient is a heart specialist.
  • I am going to tell you a story about a man who risked his own life to help another..
2. "That" atau "which" digunakan jika adjective clause atau relative clause membicarakan benda,       bukan seseorang.
  • The book that I borrowed from the local library two days ago was about the theories of learning.
  • My son enjoyed reading the storybook that I bought him last month.
3. "That" lebih umum digunakan daripada "which". Akan tetapi, non-defining relative clause hanya boleh menggunakan "which".
  • She lived in a house that / which overlooked the beach.
  • He told us about his new job, which he enjoyed very much. (‘that’ is not possible)
4. "Whose" digunakan untuk mengganti kata ganti milik "his", "her", "their".
  • A widow is a woman whose husband is dead. (her husband is dead)
  • Do you still remember the boy whose book you borrowed?
5. "Whom" digunakan untuk menggantikan kata ganti orang jika posisinya adalah sebagai obyek pada relative clause. Dalam bahasa Inggris lisan, "whom" seringkali digantikan oleh "who", "that", atau dihilangkan sama sekali.
  • Do you know the man (whom) we met in the hotel lobby this morning?
  • The student (whom) the teacher sent out was caught cheating during a test.
6. "Where" digunakan jika relative clause membicarakan suatu tempat.
  • The house where we lived before moving here was quite old.
  • The beach where human skeletons were found is closed for public.
7. "When" digunakan jika relative clause membicarakan waktu.
  • Do you still remember the day when we first met?
  • September is the month when mango trees start to bear fruit.

Source : http://myblogmursyidah2.blogspot.com/


Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan atau kegiatan yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang atau juga dipakai untuk menyatakan kebiasaan seseorang yang dapat dilakukan setiap hari,minggu,bulan dan tahun.

Rumus :
Positif              : S + V1 (s/es)
Negatif            : S + DO/DOES + NOT + V1
Tanya              : DO/DOES + S + V1

1. (+) I usually wake up at 6 in the morning.
    (-) I usually do not wake up at 6 in the morning
    (?) Do I usually wake up at 6 in the morning?
2.  (+) Father eats banana twice a day.
     (-) Father does not eat banana twice a day.
     (?) Does father eat banana twice a day?

3. (+) Deby  loves his pants.
     (-) Deby does not love his pants.
     (?) Does Deby love his pants?

4.  (+)  The sun rise from east.
     (-)   The sun do not rise from east.
     (?)   Do the sun rise from east?

5.  (+)  My sister is a good girl.
      (-)  My sister is not a good girl.
     (?)  Is my sister a good girl ?


Ajie usually gets up at five in the morning. After taking shower, he takes praying. Ajie always helps his mother every morning. His mother prepares breakfast for the family. Ajie makes her bed, and he wakes hir brother up. She cleans the house and his brother feeds the chicken and then he takes a bath. At 6.15 they have breakfast, and at 6.30 Ajie  goes to school with his mom by motorcycle. His brother goes to school by bicycle. His father goes to the office by car.

Source : https://mbokratu.wordpress.com

Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Online Armor Free Firewall

1. Pengertian
Online Armor Free merupakan sebuah aplikasi penting yang dapat mengoptimalkan kerja firewall pada komputer. Seperti yang hampir diketahui banyak orang bahwa lalu lintas jaringan di internet memang cukup berbahaya bila kita tidak mengunakan aplikasi untuk keamanan komputer, seperti antivirus, aplikasi firewall, anti spyware dan semacamnya.
Fungsi dari Online Armor Firewall ini sendiri adalah menjaga jaringan lokal komputer dari serangan luar (jaringan internet) yang sangat berbahaya untuk keamanan komputer anda. Online Armor melindungi Anda ketika Anda sedang online, tetapi tidak melakukannya dengan memeriksa nama-nama orang-orang jahat dari daftar. Sebaliknya, ia menawarkan sejumlah lapisan perlindungan yang berbeda, dimulai dengan hanya mengizinkan program untuk berjalan bahwa Anda memberikan izin.
Jadi, jika Anda pergi ke sebuah situs web yang berbahaya, sesuatu akan tidak hanya mulai diam-diam berjalan. Firewall baru personal Online Armor menyediakan perlindungan mengagumkan dari ancaman inbound dan kontrol penuh terhadap data yang meninggalkan komputer Anda untuk internet. Dalam mode standar, sebagian besar keputusan yang dibuat benar-benar secara otomatis berdasarkan daftar putih Online Armor ini – yang berarti bahwa Anda tidak perlu menjawab kompleks firewall meminta lagi. Namun Online Armor bukan hanya program firewall. Ini adalah suite keamanan penuh program untuk membantu melindungi komputer Anda.
2. Fitur dari Software Online Armor Free
Fitur yang dimiliki oleh aplikasi firewall Online Armor Free yaitu fungsi utamanya menjaga jaringan lokal komputer dari serangan eksternal yang dapat mengancam keamanan komputer anda. Serangan melalui jaringan tersebut memiliki tujuan yang bermacam-macam, dan yang paling berbahaya adalah mencuri file atau data pribadi milik anda, bahkan lebih parah lagi apabila yang dicuri adalah data penting yang anda ingin jaga rahasianya.
 Fitur selanjutnya yang dimiliki oleh aplikasi firewall ini adalah fitur Program Guard. Dengan mengunakan fitur ini anda memiliki kontrol penuh terhadap program yang berjalan di komputer. Apabila ada program yang secara otomatis (tanpa diketahi oleh anda) tiba-tiba running, maka aplikasi firewall ini akan langsung membloknya, lalu akan menanyakan kepada anda untuk mengijinkan program tersebut terus berjalan (running) atau dihentikan.
Selanjutnya Fitur Mail Shield, yang berfungsi untuk mengecek keamanan email yang masuk. Memang email yang masuk kepada kita tidak semuanya baik, bahkan sangat sering kejadian, nama pengirim suatu email merupakan nama yang asing atau tidak kita kenal. Sehingga tingkatkan kewaspadaan ketika menerima suatu email, apalagi email tersebut dikirim oleh orang yang tidak jelas atau tidak dikenal.
Aplikasi firewall Online Armor Free cukup mudah dalam penggunaannya, dalam mengontrol atau setting aplikasi firewall. Dan navigasi yang cukup mudah ke bagian tertentu dari aplikasi firewall Online Armor Free ini. Untuk tampilan aplikasi ini dinilai cukup baik dan rapih, sehingga dapat membuat anda nyaman dalam mengunakannya.
Walaupun dengan lisensi gratis, tetapi fitur yang dimiiki software Online Armor Free cukup baik, dan sudah dapat mencukupi untuk kebutuhan komputer kita. Sehingga anda mencoba untuk mengunakan firewall ini pada komputer Anda.
Memang jika mengunakan versi yang berbeyar dari aplikasi firewall ini tentunya akan mendapatkan fitur lebih, seperti fitur Online Banking Mode, lalu ada juga fitur antimalware dan antivirus, rookit scanner. Sehingga dengan fitur-fitur tersebut membuat tingkat keamanan komputer semakin baik. Selain itu juga ada tersedia layanan support untuk yang mengunakan versi berbayar, sedangkan untuk yang versi free tidak tersedia layanan support. Tetapi walaupun begitu tetap saja seperti yang sudah dipaparkan sebelumnya, dengan fitur yang free sudah mencukupi untuk menjaga keamanan jaringan lokal komputer.
Online Armor Free memiliki fitur unik yang disebut “run safer” (berjalan aman) yang memungkinkan pengguna mengatur aplikasi yang beresiko (web browser, office software, multimedia software, download managers, instant messengers, email, dll).
3. Rincian Software Online Armor Free Firewall :
Nama              : Online Armor Free Firewall
Kegunaan       : Keamanan jaringan komputer
Ukuran file     : 10,3 MB
Bahasa           : English (umumnya)
Lisensi           : Freeware (Gratis)
Category        : C: \ Security \ Firewall
Sistem Operasi: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Website resmi: www.emsisoft.com
  1. Memiliki fitur Program Guard dan Mail Shield.
  2. Memiliki fitur “run safer” dan kemampuan untuk memantau program jahat seperti key logger.
  3. Security performance yang sangat baik.
  1. Mungkin masalah menginstal jika pengguna memiliki program yang sejenis di komputer.
  2. Tidak ada perlindungan DNS spoofing.
  3. Tidak ada pengaman internet banking.
  4. Tidak ada penangkal virus
  5. .Tidak ada detektor phising.

Source : http://sullivan730.mywapblog.com/online-armor-free-firewall.xhtml

Rabu, 31 Desember 2014


In every person's life, will definitely need a friend who can share when hard and happy. Companion does have a role that could make life more colorful. But the presence of friends is not to replace your spouse or lover.

When you have a good friend, not a gift or gifts or gifts they want. But the attention and patience they need. Sometimes friends also needs to be heard, be it happy or in sorrow. So if you have friends, then prepare enough time and patience to listen to all the problems and grievances that they feel.

Companions will help solve the problem you are facing. Or maybe just talk about work or life going on around you. Similarly, the friend, they also want you to do the same. Dividing funny stories can also make your closeness with his friend.

Variations or colorful life can be given by a friend to you. Spending time with friends will relax your fatigue after a solid office activity every day. Maybe you could have dinner together, window shopping will create a more pleasant proximity.

Give a bit of a surprise and concern to be closer friends. Though you are far away from friends, does not mean you forget it right? You can still communicate via the Internet, telephone or SMS. But should you not to forget her lover because she might be jealous again.

Characteristics of a good friend?
What are the characteristics of a good friend? A clever wise advised his son: "O my son, in case you feel the need to make friends with someone, then let you choose those that are as follows:
If you serve him, he will protect you;
If you close the friendship with him, he would reply back your friendship;
If you memerlu aid thereof, he will help you;
If you menghulurkan something good of him, he would take it well;
If he gets something virtues (help) than you, he will appreciate or call your kindness;
If he sees something that is not better than you, he'll shut it down;
If you ask for help from it, he will be working on it;
If you remain silent (kerana embarrassed about to ask), he asks you for your trouble;
If it comes something catastrophic happen to you, he will relieve your distress;
If you say to him, he will justify nescaya you;
If you design something, nescaya he will help you;
If you two quarreled, he was more pleased nescaya succumb to safeguard the interests of friendship.
He help fulfill the responsibility and prohibit doing bad and immoral cases
He pushed you achieve success in the world and the hereafter.

Source : http://ahmadnadja.blogspot.com/

White Teeth Healthy With 3 Natural Ingredients

Although it has been brushing your teeth regularly, no less a person still has less white teeth. Yellow teeth often occur because someone who is familiar with the consumption of coffee, and tea without offset maximum care. With white teeth, one's self-confidence can be increased. White teeth also trigger a person look more beautiful smile. For those of you who want white teeth easily at home, this is quoted from everydayroots.com natural materials that you can use to get white teeth.

     Lemon Juice and Baking Soda

     To get white teeth, you can use lemon juice and baking soda as toothpaste. Bikarbornat sodium content in the baking soda was allegedly able to help make the teeth are clean and white. While the nature of the lemon juice can help the mouth and teeth have unpleasant odor. The acidity of the lemon juice rich in vitamin C can be said even make your teeth cleaner and whiter. Applying these two natural ingredients on a regular basis will help you get your teeth clean, white and beautiful.
     Strawberry, salt and baking soda

     On strawberry fruit contains vitamin C which is good for preventing dental plaque and other bacteria that can make teeth appear yellow. An enzyme called malic acid in strawberries able to lift with both dirt on the surface of the tooth. Combine strawberries that have been mashed with salt and baking soda and use as toothpaste. If you apply this material on a regular basis, clean and white teeth you can get easily at home.
     Coconut Oil

     The benefits of coconut oil is widely known for the health care of skin, hair and other health health. And one of the benefits of coconut oil for health is as teeth whitening. Pure coconut oil applied directly to the teeth can help get rid of bacteria and dirt cause your teeth yellow. Besides being able to whiten teeth, coconut oil benefits otherwise very good for gum health.

Source : http://www.vemale.com/kesehatan/77104-dapatkan-gigi-putih-sehat-dengan-3-bahan-alami.html


Human Rights / Human Rights is the inherent right of every human being born in force since the beginning of life and the inviolability of anyone. As good citizens, we must uphold the values of human rights without distinction of status, class, ancestry, position, and so forth.

Violate someone's human rights in conflict with the law in Indonesia. Human rights organizations have containers that take care of the issues surrounding human rights, namely the Commission. Cases of human rights violations in Indonesia is still a lot of unfinished / finished so that the expected development of ham in Indonesia can be realized into a better direction. One of the leaders ham in Indonesia is Munir who was killed in an aircraft on the way to the Netherlands from Indonesia.

The following will describe several cases of human rights violations or controversy that occurred in our country.

Rules on human rights contained in the 1945 changes to 2 of article 28a through 28j.

Forms of human rights violations that occurred in Indonesia

Death Penalty

Controversy death penalty has long been present in almost all people and nations in the world. Indonesia did not escape from this controversy. To this day the pro and cons of the death penalty death penalty still crossed dispute. Each comes with a rational and evidence piles opposite, and in many ways as representing the truth itself.

Should controversy ended when the 1945 experienced a series of changes. In the context of the death penalty we really are talking about human rights that in 1945 after the changes included in Chapter XA. Article 28A explicitly says: "Everyone has the right to live and to defend life and the life".
Thus, the 'right to life' or 'the right to life' is the most fundamental rights in 1945.
The right to life is the pinnacle of human rights which is the parent of all other human rights.

Every citizen has the right to have children through marriage sah.Di Indonesia Polygamy still be pros and cons in the country kita.beberapa feel it is the right of every human being.
Religious Affairs Minister M. Maftuh Basyuni said that polygamy is not the intent of human rights contained in Article 28 B of paragraph (1) 1945. This article mentions every person has the right to form a family and continue the descent through legal marriage. According Maftuh, a basic human right enshrined in article it is the need to establish a family. The view that regard Article 28 B guarantees polygamy as a human right assessed Maftuh as erroneous view.

Polygamy in view of the religion of Islam is indeed one should not saja.Namun unusual if the call Polygamy as ibadah.Poligami was never done by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.Tapi it just to help widows were left for dead by her husband in the war not desire to meet the desires of biological alone.


Should, event local elections (elections) is the fresh blood that animate organisms local democracy with the proper functioning of the political organs in the area. However, throughout the history of the organization of the elections in Indonesia, it is full of human rights violations (HAM).

One reason is the freedom of the open faucet so quickly led to massive participation in the nomination of candidates for regional head, while the space is very tight and limited competition.

Moreover, the shadow of the potential power and wealth are very promising from the post of head of the region to attract more candidates, while most of them do not have the moral integrity and capability adequate expertise. Therefore, it is not uncommon ploys and political thuggery, whether intentionally or forced, is used in preference to reap public politics.

This is where human rights violations often occur. Indeed, an appreciation of human rights is an essential element that must exist in a democratic political system. According to political scientist G Bingham Powell (1982), one of the criteria a precondition of democracy in empirical dimension is '' citizens and leaders enjoy basic freedom of speech, press, assembly and organization ".

Therefore, in order to establish democracy in the local context, the efforts to minimize -if not possible menghilangkan- human rights abuses in the administration of the elections is a significant thing for discourse.

EMAIL tipped BUI 

Prita Mulyasari case menimpah quite menarik.Sebetulnya
not including large, but apparently there is a conspiracy to exaggerate. this case
stems from events "Moan" and personal from the victim (patient) at the Omni
International over the impact of treatment that resulted in the victim suffered additional injuries from old wounds. Estella is he to say to her friend via
email. That is the Pritchard can be referred to as the "Consumer" of service providers
The Omni effort. As consumers have a right to express Pritchard guts guts
dissatisfaction with the service provider and that too Reserved - Legal
No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection.
Law enforcement against Pritchard clearly violate human rights, Tangerang Police and prosecutor's office
Houses can be prosecuted and their back pain, for the sake of the good name and the losses suffered by the mother 2
This toddler children.


Case grandmother Minah origin Banyumas 1.5 months in prison sentenced to probation of 3 months due to stealing three cacao make Justice Minister Patrialis concerned. The law enforcement agencies should have a humanitarian principle, open only run positivistic law.

The irony of law in Indonesia began when Minah were harvesting soybeans in his land in Sidoarjo Hamlet, Village Darmakradenan, District Ajibarang, Banyumas, Central Java, on 2 August. Minah arable land is also managed by PT RSA to plant cocoa.

When it is cool to harvest soybeans, eyes fixed on the old Minah 3 ripe cocoa pods. From just looking at, Minah then pick it for sowing a seed in cultivated fields. Once picked, 3 pieces of cacao was not hidden but carelessly granted under the cacao tree.

And not long ago, through a cocoa plantation foreman PT RSA. The foreman was asked, who is picking the cocoa fruit. With plain, Minah admitted that his actions. Minah was lectured that the action should not be done because it is tantamount to steal.

A week later he received a call from the police investigation. The legal process continues until finally he had to sit down as a convicted thief in the District Court (PN) Purwokerto.


Trisakti is shooting, on May 12, 1998, against students during a demonstration demanding Soeharto stepped down from his post. This incident killed four students of Trisakti University in Jakarta, Indonesia, and dozens of others injured.
Those killed are Noble Eagle Lesmana, Heri Hertanto, Hafidin Royan, and Hendriawan Sie. They were shot dead on campus, hit by bullets in vital areas such as the head, neck, and chest.

eviction Home 

The eviction of the houses always happens every year. Urban planning has always been a reason for the government to pursue policies detrimental to most citizens of the city government itu.Kebijakan eviction is considered as a form of human rights violation. This was revealed in a discussion held by the Jakarta Residents Forum (FACT), Jl Pancawarga IV, Kalimalang, Jakarta, Wednesday (10/04/2006).

Liberation Adelin Lis 

Liberation Adelin Lis who is suspected that many cases of illegal logging in Indonesia permasyarakartan institution where he was being held at some time ago is one of the cases of human rights violations in our country. Justice Minister asserted, "That Adelin Lis independent of the on prison some time ago Wherever set on prison officers who work in places Adelin Lis on hold.
Here is the narrative of officers on prison guard who helped free Adelin Lis, "I helped Adelin Lis because he would give money if I can arrange his release letter". The fact of the narrative is in the Indonesian security forces are still inferior to the system of collusion which is often used by the peabat the fact guilty. In addition, penitentiary guards associated with the release of Adelin Lis today Wherever expressed as a suspect. The only real debate is the human rights activists, "Why is the security forces that were instituted correctional Adelin Lis detained place easily persuaded by a moment's pleasure promised by Adelin Lis?
Not long after Adelin Lis free, the police finally managed to re-capture Adelin Lis.

source: http://garabill.blogspot.com/2010/02/pelanggaran-hak-asasi-manusia-ham.html