Chapter 6
Project Time Management
Project Time Management includes the processes required to
ensure timely completion of the project. Figure 6-1 provides
an overview of the following major processes in developing the project time
6.1 Activity Definition—identifying the specific
activities that must be performed to produce the various project deliverables.
6.2 Activity Sequencing—identifying and documenting
interactivity dependencies.
6.3 Activity Duration
Estimating—estimating the number of work
periods that will be needed to complete individual activities.
6.4 Schedule Development—analyzing activity sequences,
activity durations, and resource requirements to create the project schedule.
6.5 Schedule Control—controlling changes to the
project schedule.
These processes interact with each other and with the
processes in the other knowledge areas as well. Each process may involve effort
from one or more individuals or groups of individuals, based on the needs of
the project. Each process generally occurs at least once in every project
Although the processes are presented here as discrete elements
with welldefined interfaces, in practice they may overlap and interact in ways
not detailed here. Process interactions are discussed in detail in Chapter 3.
On some projects, especially smaller ones, activity
sequencing, activity duration estimating, and schedule development are so
tightly linked that they are viewed as a single process (e.g., they may be performed by a single individual over a relatively
short period of time). They are presented here as distinct processes because
the tools and techniques for each are different.
Activity definition involves identifying and documenting the
specific activities that must be performed to produce the deliverables and
subdeliverables identified in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Implicit in
this process is the need to define the activities such that the project
objectives will be met.
6.1.1 Inputs to Activity Definition
.1 Work breakdown
structure. The WBS is the primary input to activity
definition (see Section for a more detailed discussion of the WBS).
2 Scope statement. The project justification and the project objectives contained
in the scope statement must be considered explicitly during activity definition
(see Section for a more detailed discussion of the scope statement).
.3 Historical information.
Historical information (what activities
were actually required on previous, similar projects) should be considered in
defining project activities.
.4 Constraints. Constraints are factors that will limit
the project management team’s options; an example would be the use of desired
maximum activity durations.
.5 Assumptions. See Section
.6 Expert judgment. Expert judgment is discussed in Sections and
6.1.2 Tools and Techniques for Activity Definition
.1 Decomposition. Within the context of the process of
Activity Definition, decomposition involves subdividing project work packages
into smaller, more manageable components to provide better management control.
The technique of decomposition is described in more detail in Section
The major difference between decomposition here and in Scope Definition is that
the final outputs here are described as activities rather than as deliverables.
The WBS and the activity list are usually developed sequentially, with the WBS being
the basis for development of the final activity list. In some application
areas, the WBS and the part of the project scope. As with the WBS, the activity
list should include
descriptions of each activity to ensure that the project team
members will understand how the work is to be done.
.2 Supporting detail. Supporting detail for the activity list
should be documented and organized as needed to facilitate its use by other
project management processes. Supporting detail should always include
documentation of all identified assumptions and constraints. The amount of
additional detail varies by application area.
.3 Work breakdown
structure updates. In using the
WBS to identify which activities are needed, the project team may identify
missing deliverables, or may determine that the deliverable descriptions need
to be clarified or corrected. Any such updates must be reflected in the WBS and
related documentation, such as cost estimates. These updates are often called refinements and are most likely when the project involves new or unproven
Activity sequencing involves identifying and documenting
interactivity logical relationships. Activities must be sequenced accurately to
support later development of a realistic and achievable schedule. Sequencing
can be performed with the aid of a computer (e.g., by using project management
software) or with manual techniques. Manual techniques are often more effective
on smaller projects and in the early phases of larger ones when little detail
is available. Manual and automated techniques may also be used in combination.
6.2.1 Inputs to Activity Sequencing
.1 Activity list. The activity list is described in Section
.2 Product description. The product description is discussed in
Section Product characteristics often affect activity sequencing
(e.g., the physical layout of a plant to be constructed, subsystem interfaces
on a software project). While these effects are often apparent in the activity
list, the product description should generally be reviewed to ensure accuracy.
.3 Mandatory dependencies.
Mandatory dependencies are those that are
inherent in the nature of the work being done. They often involve physical
limitations. (On a construction project, it is impossible to erect the
superstructure until after the foundation has been built; on an electronics
project, a prototype must be built before it can be tested.) Mandatory
dependencies are also called hard
Discretionary dependencies. Discretionary dependencies are those that are defined by the
project management team. They should be used with care (and fully documented),
since they may limit later scheduling options. Discretionary dependencies are
usually defined based on knowledge of:
_ “Best practices” within a
particular application area.
_ Some unusual aspect of the
project where a specific sequence is desired, even though there are other
acceptable sequences.
Discretionary dependencies may also be called preferred logic, preferential logic, or soft logic.
.5 External
dependencies. External
dependencies are those that involve a relationship between project activities
and nonproject activities. For example, the testing activity in a software
project may be dependent on delivery of hardware from an external source, or
environmental hearings may need to be held before site preparation can begin on
a construction project.
.6 Milestones.
Milestone events need to be
part of the activity sequencing to assure that the requirements for meeting the
milestone(s) are met.
6.2.2 Tools and Techniques for Activity
.1 Precedence
diagramming method (PDM). This is a method of constructing a project network diagram that
uses boxes or rectangles (nodes) to represent the activities and connects them
with arrows that show the dependencies (see also Section Figure 6-2 shows a simple network logic
diagram drawn using PDM. This technique is also called activity-on-node (AON) and is the method used by most project
management software packages. PDM can be done manually or on a computer.
It includes four types of dependencies or
precedence relationships:
_ Finish-to-start—the
initiation of the work of the successor depends upon the completion of the work
of the predecessor.
_ Finish-to-finish—the completion
of the work of the successor depends upon the completion of the work of the
_ Start-to-start—the initiation
of the work of the successor depends upon the initiation of the work of the
_ Start-to-finish—the
completion of the successor is dependent upon the initiation of the
In PDM, finish-to-start is the most commonly used
type of logical relationship. Start-to-finish relationships are rarely used,
and then typically only by professional scheduling engineers. Using
start-to-start, finish-to-finish, or start-to-finish relationships with project
management software can produce unexpected results, since these types of
relationships have not been consistently implemented.
.2 Arrow diagramming
method (ADM). This method of
constructing a project network diagram uses arrows to represent the activities
and connects them at nodes to show their dependencies (see also Section Figure 6-3 shows a simple network logic diagram drawn using ADM. This
technique is also called activityon- arrow (AOA)
and, although less prevalent than PDM, is still the technique of choice in some
application areas. ADM uses only finish-to-start dependencies and may require
the use of dummy activities to define all logical relationships correctly. ADM
can be done manually or on a computer.
.3 Conditional diagramming
methods. Diagramming techniques such as Graphical
Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT) and System Dynamics models allow for
nonsequential activities such as loops (e.g., a test that must be repeated more
than once) or conditional branches (e.g., a design update that is only needed
if the inspection detects errors). Neither PDM nor ADM allows loops or
conditional branches.
.4 Network templates. Standardized networks can be used to
expedite the preparation of project network diagrams. They can include an
entire project or only a portion of it. Portions of a network are often
referred to as subnets or fragnets.
Subnets are especially useful when a project includes several identical or
nearly identical features, such as floors on a high-rise office building,
clinical trials on a pharmaceutical research project, program modules on a
software project, or the start-up phase of a development project.
6.2.3 Outputs from Activity Sequencing
.1 Project network
diagrams. Project network diagrams are schematic
displays of the project’s activities and the logical relationships
(dependencies) among them. Figures 6-2 and
6-3 illustrate two different approaches to drawing a project
network diagram. A project network diagram may be produced manually or on a
computer. It may include full project details, or have one or more summary
activities (hammocks). The diagram should be accompanied by a summary narrative
that describes the basic sequencing approach. Any unusual sequences should be
fully described. A project network diagram is often referred to as a PERT
chart. Historically PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) was a
specific type of network diagram (see also Section
.2 Activity list updates. In much the same manner that the activity
definition process may generate updates to the WBS, preparation of project
network diagrams may reveal instances where an activity must be divided or
otherwise redefined to diagram the correct logical relationships.
Activity duration estimating is the process of taking
information on project scope and resources and then developing durations for
input to schedules. The inputs for the estimates of duration typically
originate from the person or group on the project team who is most familiar
with the nature of a specific activity. The estimate is often progressively
elaborated, and the process considers the quality and availability of the input
data. Thus, the estimate can be assumed to be progressively more accurate and
of known quality. The person or group on the project team who is most familiar
with the nature of a specific activity should make, or at least approve, the
Estimating the number of work periods required to complete an
activity will often require consideration of elapsed time as well. For example,
if “concrete curing” will require four days of elapsed time, it may require
from two to four work periods, based on a) which day of the week it begins, and
b) whether or not weekend days are treated as work periods. Most computerized
scheduling software will handle this problem by using alternative work-period
Overall project duration may also be estimated using the tools
and techniques presented here, but it is more properly calculated as the output
of schedule development (described in Section 6.4). The project team can
consider the project duration a probability distribution (using probabilistic
techniques) or as a singlepoint estimate (using deterministic techniques).
6.3.1 Inputs to Activity Duration Estimating
.1 Activity list. The activity list is described in Section
.2 Constraints. Constraints are described in Section
.3 Assumptions. Assumptions are described in Section An example would be reporting periods for the duration of the project
that could dictate maximum durations, i.e., two reporting periods.
.4 Resource requirements. Resource requirements are described in
Section The duration of most activities will be significantly
influenced by the resources assigned to them. For example, two people working
together may be able to complete a design activity in
half the time it takes either of them individually, while a person working half time on an activity will
generally take at least twice as much time as
the same person working full time. However, as additional resources are added, projects can experience communication
overload, which reduces productivity and
causes production to improve proportionally less than the increase in resource.
.5 Resource
capabilities. The
duration of most activities will be significantly influenced by the
capabilities of the human and material resources assigned to them. For example,
if both are assigned full time, a senior staff member can generally be expected
to complete a given activity in less time than a junior staff member.
.6 Historical
information. Historical information on the
likely durations of many categories of activities is often available from one
or more of the following sources:
_ Project files—one or more of
the organizations involved in the project may maintain records of previous
project results that are detailed enough to aid in developing duration
estimates. In some application areas, individual team members may maintain such
_ Commercial duration
estimating databases—historical information is often available commercially.
These databases tend to be especially useful when activity durations are not
driven by the actual work content (e.g., how long it takes concrete to cure;
how long a government agency usually takes to respond to certain types of
_ Project team knowledge—the
individual members of the project team may remember previous actuals or
estimates. While such recollections may be useful, they are generally far less
reliable than documented results.
.7 Identified
risks. The project team considers
information on identified risks (see Section 11.2) when producing estimates of
activity durations, since risks (either threats or opportunities) can have a
significant influence on duration. The project team considers the extent to
which the effect of risks is included in the baseline duration estimate for
each activity, including risks with high probabilities or impact.
6.3.2 Tools and Techniques for Activity
Duration Estimating
.1 Expert
judgment. Expert judgment is described
in Section Durations are often difficult to estimate because of the
number of factors that can influence them (e.g., resource levels, resource
productivity). Expert judgment guided by historical information should be used
whenever possible. If such expertise is not available, the estimates are
inherently uncertain and risky (see Chapter 11, Project Risk Management).
.2 Analogous
estimating. Analogous estimating, also
called top-down estimating, means using the actual
duration of a previous, similar activity as the basis for estimating the
duration of a future activity. It is frequently used to estimate project
duration when there is a limited amount of detailed information about the
project (e.g., in the early phases). Analogous estimating is a form of expert
judgment (described in Section
Analogous estimating is most reliable when a) the
previous activities are similar in fact and not just in appearance, and b) the
individuals preparing the estimates have the needed expertise.
Quantitatively based durations. The quantities to be performed for each specific work category
(i.e., number of drawing, meters of cable, tons of steel, etc.) defined by the
engineering/design effort, when multiplied by the productivity unit rate (i.e.,
hours per drawing, meters of cable per hour, etc.), can be used to estimate
activity durations.
.4 Reserve
time (contingency). Project teams may choose to incorporate an additional time frame,
called time reserve, contingency, or buffer,
that can be added to the activity duration or elsewhere in the schedule as
recognition of schedule risk. This reserve time can be a percentage of the
estimated duration, or a fixed number of work periods. The reserve time can
later be reduced or eliminated, as more precise information about the project
becomes available. Such reserve time should be documented along with other data
and assumptions.
6.3.3 Outputs from Activity Duration
.1 Activity
duration estimates. Activity duration estimates are quantitative assessments of the
likely number of work periods that will be required to complete an activity. Activity
duration estimates should always include some indication of the range of
possible results. For example:
_ 2 weeks ± 2 days to indicate
that the activity will take at least eight days and no more than twelve
(assuming a five-day workweek).
_ 15 percent probability of
exceeding three weeks to indicate a high probability— 85 percent—that the
activity will take three weeks or less. Chapter 11 on Project Risk Management
includes a more detailed discussion of estimating uncertainty.
.2 Basis of
estimates. Assumptions made in
developing the estimates must be documented.
.3 Activity
list updates. Activity
list updates are described in Section
Schedule development means determining start and
finish dates for project activities. If the start and finish dates are not
realistic, then the project is unlikely to be finished as scheduled. The
schedule development process must often be iterated (along with the processes
that provide inputs, especially duration estimating and cost estimating) prior
to determination of the project schedule.
6.4.1 Inputs to Schedule Development
.1 Project
network diagrams. Project
network diagrams are described in Section
.2 Activity
duration estimates. Activity duration estimates are described in Section
.3 Resource
requirements. Resource
requirements are described in Section
.4 Resource
pool description. Knowledge
of what resources will be available at what times and in what patterns is
necessary for schedule development. For example, shared or critical resources
can be especially difficult to schedule since their availability may be highly
variable. The amount of detail and the level of specificity in the resource
pool description will vary. For example, one need only know that two
consultants will be available in a particular time frame for preliminary
schedule development of a consulting project. The final schedule for the same
project, however, identifies which specific consultants will be available.
.5 Calendars. Project and resource
calendars identify periods when work is allowed. Project calendars affect all resources (e.g., some projects will
work only during normal business hours, while others will work a full three
shifts). A five-day workweek is an example of calendar usage. Resource calendars affect a specific resource or
category of resources (e.g., a project team member may be on vacation or in a
training program; a labor contract may limit certain workers to certain days of
the week).
Constraints. Constraints are factors that
will limit the project management team’s options. There are two major
categories of time constraints considered during schedule development:
_ Imposed dates—imposed dates
on activity starts or finishes can be used to restrict the start or finish to
occur either no earlier than a specified date or no later than a specified
date. While all four date constraints are typically available in project
management software, the “Start No Earlier Than” and the “Finish No Later Than”
constraints are the most commonly used. Typical uses of date constraints
include such situations as a market window on a technology project, weather
restrictions on outdoor activities, government-mandated compliance with
environmental remediation, delivery of material from parties not represented in
the project schedule, etc.
_ Key events or major
milestones—completion of certain deliverables by a specified date may be requested by the project sponsor, the
project customer, or other stakeholders. Once scheduled, these dates become
expected and often may be moved only with great difficulty. Milestones may also
be used to indicate interfaces with work outside of the project. Such work is
typically not in the project database, and milestones with constraint dates can
provide the appropriate schedule interface.
.7 Assumptions.
See Section
.8 Leads and
lags. Any of the dependencies may
require specification of a lead or a lag to accurately define the relationship.
An example of a lag: there might be a desire to schedule a two-week delay (lag)
between ordering a piece of equipment and installing or using it. An example of
a lead, in a finish-to-start dependency with a ten-day lead: the successor
activity starts ten days before the predecessor has completed.
.9 Risk
management plan. The
risk management plan is discussed in 11.1.3.
.10 Activity
attributes. Attributes of the
activities—including responsibility (i.e., who will perform the work),
geographic area or building (where the work has to be performed), and activity
type (i.e., summary or detailed)—are very important for further selection and
sorting of the planned activities in a convenient way for the users. WBS
classification is also an important attribute that allows useful activity
ordering and sorting.
6.4.2 Tools and Techniques for Schedule
.1 Mathematical
analysis. Mathematical analysis
involves calculating theoretical early and late start and finish dates for all
project activities without regard for any resource pool limitations. The
resulting dates are not the schedule, but rather indicate the time periods
within which the activity could be
scheduled given resource limits and other known constraints. The most widely
known mathematical analysis techniques are:
_ Critical Path Method
(CPM)—calculates a single, deterministic early and late start and finish date
for each activity based on specified, sequential network logic and a single
duration estimate. The focus of CPM is calculating float to determine which activities have the least scheduling
flexibility. The underlying CPM algorithms are often used in other types of
mathematical analysis.
_ Graphical Evaluation and
Review Technique (GERT)—allows for probabilistic treatment of both network
logic and activity duration estimates (i.e., some activities may not be
performed at all, some may be performed only in part, and others may be
performed more than once).
_ Program Evaluation and Review
Technique (PERT)—uses a weighted average duration estimate to calculate
activity durations. Although there are surface differences, PERT differs from
CPM primarily in that it uses the distribution’s mean (expected value) instead
of the most likely estimate originally used in CPM (see Figure 6-4). PERT itself is seldom used
.2 Duration
compression. Duration compression is a
special case of mathematical analysis that looks for ways to shorten the
project schedule without changing the project scope (e.g., to meet imposed
dates or other schedule objectives). Duration compression includes techniques
such as:
_ Crashing—in which cost and
schedule tradeoffs are analyzed to determine how, if at all, to obtain the
greatest amount of compression for the least incremental cost. Crashing does
not always produce a viable alternative and often results in increased cost.
_ Fast tracking—doing
activities in parallel that would normally be done in sequence (e.g., starting
to write code on a software project before the design is complete, or starting
to build the foundation for a petroleum processing plant before the 25 percent
engineering point is reached). Fast tracking often results in rework and
usually increases risk.
.3 Simulation.
Simulation involves
calculating multiple project durations with different sets of activity
assumptions. The most common technique is Monte Carlo Analysis, in which a
distribution of probable results is defined for each activity and used to
calculate a distribution of probable results for the total project (see also
Section In addition, what-if analyses can be made using the logic network to simulate different
scenarios, such as delaying a major component delivery, extending specific
engineering durations, or introducing external factors (such as a strike, or a
change in the permitting process). The outcome of the what-if simulations can
be used to assess the feasibility of the schedule under adverse conditions, and
in preparing contingency/response plans to overcome or mitigate the impact of
unexpected situations.
.4 Resource leveling
heuristics. Mathematical analysis often produces a
preliminary early-start schedule that requires more resources during certain time
periods than are available, or requires changes in resource levels that are not
manageable. Heuristics, such as, “Allocate scarce resources to critical path
activities first,” can be applied to develop a schedule that reflects such
constraints. Resource leveling often results in a project duration that is
longer than the preliminary schedule. This technique is sometimes called the resource-based method, especially when implemented with
computerized optimization. Resource reallocation from noncritical to critical
activities is a common way to bring the schedule back, or as close as possible,
to its originally intended overall duration. Utilization of extended hours,
weekends, or multiple shifts should also be considered to reduce the durations
of critical activities. Productivity increases based on the use of different technologies
and/or machinery (i.e., automatic welding, electrical pipe cutters, etc.) are
another way to shorten durations that have extended the preliminary schedule.
Fact tracking, if feasible (as described in Section, is another way to
reduce the overall project duration. Some projects may have a finite and
critical project resource, requiring that this resource be scheduled in reverse
from the project ending date; this is known as reverse resource allocation scheduling. Critical chain is a technique that
modifies the project schedule to account for limited resources.
.5 Project management
software. Project management software is widely
used to assist with schedule development. Other software may be capable of
interacting directly or indirectly within themselves, or with other software,
to carry out the requirements of other knowledge areas. These products automate
the calculation
of the mathematical analysis and resource
leveling, and thus allow for rapid consideration of many schedule alternatives.
They are also widely used to print or display the outputs of schedule
.6 Coding
structure. The activities should have a
coding structure that will allow sorting and/or extractions based on different
attributes assigned to the activities, such as responsibility, geographic area
or building, project phase, schedule level, activity type, and WBS
6.4.3 Outputs from Schedule Development
.1 Project
schedule. The project schedule includes
at least planned start and expected finish dates for each activity. (Note: The
project schedule remains preliminary until resource assignments have been
confirmed. This would usually happen no later than the completion of Project
Plan Development, Section 4.1.)
The project schedule may be presented in summary
form (the master schedule), or in detail. Although it
can be presented in tabular form, it is more often presented graphically, using
one or more of the following formats:
_ Project network diagrams with
date information added (see Figure 6-5). These charts usually show both the project logic and the
project’s critical path activities (see Section for more information on
project network diagrams).
_ Bar charts, also called Gantt charts (see Figure 6-6), show activity start and end dates, as well as
expected durations, and sometimes show dependencies. They are relatively easy
to read, and are frequently used in management presentations.
_ Milestone charts (see Figure 6-7) are similar to bar charts,
but only identify the scheduled start or completion of major deliverables and
key external interfaces.
.2 Supporting
detail. Supporting detail for the
project schedule includes at least documentation of all identified assumptions
and constraints. The amount of additional detail varies by application area.
For example:
_ On a construction project, it
will most likely include such items as resource histograms, cash-flow
projections, and order and delivery schedules.
_ On an electronics project, it
will most likely include resource histograms only. Information frequently
supplied as supporting detail includes, but is not limited to:
_ Resource requirements by time
period, often in the form of a resource histogram.
_ Alternative schedules (e.g.,
best case or worst case, resource leveled or not, with or without imposed
_ Schedule contingency reserves
(see Section 11.4).
.3 Schedule
management plan. A
schedule management plan defines how changes to the schedule will be managed.
It may be formal or informal, highly detailed or broadly framed, based on the
needs of the project. It is a subsidiary element of the overall project plan
(see Section 4.1).
.4 Resource
requirement updates. Resource leveling updates may have a significant effect on
preliminary estimates of resource requirements.
Schedule control is concerned with a) influencing the factors
that create schedule changes to ensure that changes are agreed upon, b) determining
that the schedule has changed, and c) managing the actual changes when and as
they occur. Schedule control must be thoroughly integrated with the other
control processes, as described in Section 4.3, Integrated Change Control.
6.5.1 Inputs to Schedule Control
.1 Project schedule. The project schedule is described in
Section The approved project schedule, called the schedule baseline (which must be feasible technically and
in terms of resources), is a component of the project plan described in Section It provides the basis for measuring and reporting schedule
.2 Performance reports. Performance reports, discussed in Section, provide information on schedule performance, such as which planned
dates have been met and which have not. Performance reports may also alert the
project team to issues that may cause problems in the future.
.3 Change requests. Change requests may occur in many
forms—oral or written, direct or indirect, externally or internally initiated,
and legally mandated or optional. Changes may require extending the schedule or
may allow accelerating it (see Section
.4 Schedule management
plan. The schedule management plan is described
in Section
6.5.2 Tools and Techniques for Schedule Control
.1 Schedule change control
system. A schedule change control system defines
the procedures by which the project schedule may be changed. It includes the
paperwork, tracking systems, and approval levels necessary for authorizing
changes. Schedule change control should be integrated with the integrated
change control system described in Section 4.3.
.2 Performance
measurement. Performance measurement techniques such
as those described in Section 10.3.2 help to assess the magnitude of any variations
that do occur. An important part of schedule control is to decide if the
schedule variation requires corrective action. For example, a major delay on a
noncritical activity may have little effect on the overall project, while a
much shorter delay on a critical or near-critical activity may require
immediate action.
.3 Additional planning. Few projects run exactly according to
plan. Prospective changes may require new or revised activity duration
estimates, modified activity sequences, or analysis of alternative schedules.
.4 Project management
software. Project management software is described
in Section The ability of project management software to track planned
dates versus actual dates and to forecast the effects of schedule changes, real
or potential, makes it a useful tool for schedule control.
.5 Variance analysis. Performance of the variance analysis
during the schedule-monitoring process is a key element for time control.
Comparing target dates with the actual/forecast start and finish dates provides
useful information for the detection of deviations and for the implementation
of corrective solutions in case of delays. The float variance is also an
essential planning component to evaluate project time-performance. Particular
attention has to be given to critical and subcritical activities (i.e.,
analyzing the ten subcritical paths, in order of ascending float).
6.5.3 Outputs from Schedule Control
.1 Schedule updates. A schedule update is any modification to
the schedule information that is used to manage the project. Appropriate
stakeholders must be notified as needed. Schedule updates may or may not
require adjustments to other aspects of the project plan.
Revisions are
a special category of schedule updates. Revisions are changes to the schedule
start and finish dates in the approved project schedule. These changes are
generally incorporated in response to scope changes or changes to estimates. In
some cases, schedule delays may be so severe that rebaselining is
needed to provide realistic data to measure performance. However, care must be
taken before rebaselining, as historical data will be lost for the project
schedule. Rebaselining should only be used as a last resort in controlling the
schedule; new target schedules should be the normal mode of schedule revision.
.2 Corrective action. Corrective action is anything done to
bring expected future schedule performance in line with the project plan.
Corrective action in the area of time management often involves expediting:
special actions taken to ensure completion of an activity on time or with the
least possible delay. Corrective action frequently requires root-cause analysis
to identify the cause of the variation, and schedule recovery can be planned
and executed for activities delineated later in the schedule and need not only
address the activity causing the deviation.
.3 Lessons learned. The causes of variances, the reasoning
behind the corrective action chosen, and other types of lessons learned from
schedule control should be documented, so that they become part of the
historical database for both this project and other projects of the performing
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