Rabu, 31 Desember 2014


Human Rights / Human Rights is the inherent right of every human being born in force since the beginning of life and the inviolability of anyone. As good citizens, we must uphold the values of human rights without distinction of status, class, ancestry, position, and so forth.

Violate someone's human rights in conflict with the law in Indonesia. Human rights organizations have containers that take care of the issues surrounding human rights, namely the Commission. Cases of human rights violations in Indonesia is still a lot of unfinished / finished so that the expected development of ham in Indonesia can be realized into a better direction. One of the leaders ham in Indonesia is Munir who was killed in an aircraft on the way to the Netherlands from Indonesia.

The following will describe several cases of human rights violations or controversy that occurred in our country.

Rules on human rights contained in the 1945 changes to 2 of article 28a through 28j.

Forms of human rights violations that occurred in Indonesia

Death Penalty

Controversy death penalty has long been present in almost all people and nations in the world. Indonesia did not escape from this controversy. To this day the pro and cons of the death penalty death penalty still crossed dispute. Each comes with a rational and evidence piles opposite, and in many ways as representing the truth itself.

Should controversy ended when the 1945 experienced a series of changes. In the context of the death penalty we really are talking about human rights that in 1945 after the changes included in Chapter XA. Article 28A explicitly says: "Everyone has the right to live and to defend life and the life".
Thus, the 'right to life' or 'the right to life' is the most fundamental rights in 1945.
The right to life is the pinnacle of human rights which is the parent of all other human rights.

Every citizen has the right to have children through marriage sah.Di Indonesia Polygamy still be pros and cons in the country kita.beberapa feel it is the right of every human being.
Religious Affairs Minister M. Maftuh Basyuni said that polygamy is not the intent of human rights contained in Article 28 B of paragraph (1) 1945. This article mentions every person has the right to form a family and continue the descent through legal marriage. According Maftuh, a basic human right enshrined in article it is the need to establish a family. The view that regard Article 28 B guarantees polygamy as a human right assessed Maftuh as erroneous view.

Polygamy in view of the religion of Islam is indeed one should not saja.Namun unusual if the call Polygamy as ibadah.Poligami was never done by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.Tapi it just to help widows were left for dead by her husband in the war not desire to meet the desires of biological alone.


Should, event local elections (elections) is the fresh blood that animate organisms local democracy with the proper functioning of the political organs in the area. However, throughout the history of the organization of the elections in Indonesia, it is full of human rights violations (HAM).

One reason is the freedom of the open faucet so quickly led to massive participation in the nomination of candidates for regional head, while the space is very tight and limited competition.

Moreover, the shadow of the potential power and wealth are very promising from the post of head of the region to attract more candidates, while most of them do not have the moral integrity and capability adequate expertise. Therefore, it is not uncommon ploys and political thuggery, whether intentionally or forced, is used in preference to reap public politics.

This is where human rights violations often occur. Indeed, an appreciation of human rights is an essential element that must exist in a democratic political system. According to political scientist G Bingham Powell (1982), one of the criteria a precondition of democracy in empirical dimension is '' citizens and leaders enjoy basic freedom of speech, press, assembly and organization ".

Therefore, in order to establish democracy in the local context, the efforts to minimize -if not possible menghilangkan- human rights abuses in the administration of the elections is a significant thing for discourse.

EMAIL tipped BUI 

Prita Mulyasari case menimpah quite menarik.Sebetulnya
not including large, but apparently there is a conspiracy to exaggerate. this case
stems from events "Moan" and personal from the victim (patient) at the Omni
International over the impact of treatment that resulted in the victim suffered additional injuries from old wounds. Estella is he to say to her friend via
email. That is the Pritchard can be referred to as the "Consumer" of service providers
The Omni effort. As consumers have a right to express Pritchard guts guts
dissatisfaction with the service provider and that too Reserved - Legal
No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection.
Law enforcement against Pritchard clearly violate human rights, Tangerang Police and prosecutor's office
Houses can be prosecuted and their back pain, for the sake of the good name and the losses suffered by the mother 2
This toddler children.


Case grandmother Minah origin Banyumas 1.5 months in prison sentenced to probation of 3 months due to stealing three cacao make Justice Minister Patrialis concerned. The law enforcement agencies should have a humanitarian principle, open only run positivistic law.

The irony of law in Indonesia began when Minah were harvesting soybeans in his land in Sidoarjo Hamlet, Village Darmakradenan, District Ajibarang, Banyumas, Central Java, on 2 August. Minah arable land is also managed by PT RSA to plant cocoa.

When it is cool to harvest soybeans, eyes fixed on the old Minah 3 ripe cocoa pods. From just looking at, Minah then pick it for sowing a seed in cultivated fields. Once picked, 3 pieces of cacao was not hidden but carelessly granted under the cacao tree.

And not long ago, through a cocoa plantation foreman PT RSA. The foreman was asked, who is picking the cocoa fruit. With plain, Minah admitted that his actions. Minah was lectured that the action should not be done because it is tantamount to steal.

A week later he received a call from the police investigation. The legal process continues until finally he had to sit down as a convicted thief in the District Court (PN) Purwokerto.


Trisakti is shooting, on May 12, 1998, against students during a demonstration demanding Soeharto stepped down from his post. This incident killed four students of Trisakti University in Jakarta, Indonesia, and dozens of others injured.
Those killed are Noble Eagle Lesmana, Heri Hertanto, Hafidin Royan, and Hendriawan Sie. They were shot dead on campus, hit by bullets in vital areas such as the head, neck, and chest.

eviction Home 

The eviction of the houses always happens every year. Urban planning has always been a reason for the government to pursue policies detrimental to most citizens of the city government itu.Kebijakan eviction is considered as a form of human rights violation. This was revealed in a discussion held by the Jakarta Residents Forum (FACT), Jl Pancawarga IV, Kalimalang, Jakarta, Wednesday (10/04/2006).

Liberation Adelin Lis 

Liberation Adelin Lis who is suspected that many cases of illegal logging in Indonesia permasyarakartan institution where he was being held at some time ago is one of the cases of human rights violations in our country. Justice Minister asserted, "That Adelin Lis independent of the on prison some time ago Wherever set on prison officers who work in places Adelin Lis on hold.
Here is the narrative of officers on prison guard who helped free Adelin Lis, "I helped Adelin Lis because he would give money if I can arrange his release letter". The fact of the narrative is in the Indonesian security forces are still inferior to the system of collusion which is often used by the peabat the fact guilty. In addition, penitentiary guards associated with the release of Adelin Lis today Wherever expressed as a suspect. The only real debate is the human rights activists, "Why is the security forces that were instituted correctional Adelin Lis detained place easily persuaded by a moment's pleasure promised by Adelin Lis?
Not long after Adelin Lis free, the police finally managed to re-capture Adelin Lis.

source: http://garabill.blogspot.com/2010/02/pelanggaran-hak-asasi-manusia-ham.html

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