Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014


Problems garbage in Bandung has become a serious problem involving every family and every citizen.

Actually, some trash on the ground Indonesia will be
destroyed and some are not easily destroyed. Waste that is not easily broken example is plastic. A family that dig his land to the trash and put a plastic garbage into it to make the soil becomes contaminated (polluted). When the excavated soil was full of trash and plastic waste, fill it with soil family. They also explore the new land in other parts of his yard. From year to year it is doing is digging new ground in the yard. Until one day when there is no more land that has not been dug for the trash. He then decided to dig a hole dug for the earliest bins in the hope, junk in it was destroyed. But he realized that some types of plastic waste and other waste lands not crumbling.

Some trash in Indonesia actually be destroyed by land, for example scraps. The rest of the food would be ruined and rotting. When attached to the ground, then the ground will recycle (break down) the rest of the food. No way will smell the stench. This is different to the rest of the plastic-wrapped food (eg rice packets). Rice will rot but the plastic withstand bacterial decomposition. The smell will sting and sour. The animals such as dogs, cats and chickens were throwing dirt. But they are not retained by the feces of plastic so they are crumbling dirt ground. Animal waste in the soil usually are easily destroyed in a few days and no longer smell.

Therefore, someone who is about to throw trash on the ground, must distinguish between organic waste with inorganic. Organic waste is waste that is relatively easily destroyed. While inorganic waste is waste that is not easily broken. Examples of organic waste is leftover vegetables in the kitchen, food scraps, paper, tissue. Examples of inorganic waste is plastic, metal, cans, broken bottles, broken glass, broken glass. Typically, everyone in Indonesia know garbage is broken and not easily destroyed.

Waste that is not easily broken (inorganic) better throw in the trash to be picked up by garbage collectors. Thus the land will not be contaminated with plastic and metal.

WASTE is a problem faced by almost all countries in the world. Not only in developing countries but also in developed countries, the waste has always been a problem. On average each day the major cities in Indonesia produce tens of tons of trash. The rubbish was transported by special trucks and dumped or stacked just in places that have been provided without any hand be upon again. From day to day the garbage piling up and there was a hill trash as we often see. Garbage piled up, it will certainly disturb the surrounding residents. Besides the unpleasant smell, garbage flies frequently. And it can also bring the plague.
Waste is a material that has no value or no value for the ordinary or main purpose of the fabrication or use of defective or flawed in fabrication or surplus or rejected materials or waste. " (Dictionary of Terms Environment, 1994). "Waste is a waste or discarded material from other human activities and the results of natural processes that do not have economic value." (Term for the management environment, Ecolink, 1996). "Waste is anything that is not useful anymore, discarded by their owners or users of the original". (Tandjung, Dr. M.Sc., 1982) "Waste is a resource that is not ready-made." (Radyastuti, W. Prof. Ir, 1996).
Waste from households, farms, offices, companies, hospitals, markets, etc.. Broadly speaking, waste is divided into:
1. Organic waste / wet
Example: kitchen waste, restaurant waste, leftover vegetables, spices or fruit leftovers, etc. that can decay naturally.
2. Waste inorganic / dry
Example: metal, iron, tin, plastic, rubber, bottles, etc. that can not decay naturally.
3. Hazardous waste
Example: Battery, mosquito poison bottles, used syringes, etc..

However, despite evidence it can harm the trash, garbage can also be converted into useful items by means of recycling. To minimize the impact of waste, waste disposed to be split, so that each part can be composted or recycled in an optimal, rather than discharged into the sewage system were mixed as the current. Furthermore industries are also encouraged to redesign products, to facilitate the process of recycling these products.

Principles of Treatment
These are principles that can be applied in the processing of waste. These principles are known as the 4R, namely:
- Reduce (English: reduce)
As much as possible to minimize the goods or materials that we use. The more we use the material, the more waste is generated.
- Using the back (English: reuse)
As much as possible choose items that can be used again. Avoid the use of goods, disposable waste (English: disposable).
- Recycle (English: recycle)
Where possible, items that are not useful recycled again. Not all items can be recycled, but it's been a lot of unofficial industrial (English: informal) and industries that utilize household waste into other goods.
- Changing (English: replace)
Peruse the goods we use everyday. Replace items that can only be used once the goods are more durable.
Here are the key points in waste management and waste disposal ideal series:
1. Sorting
• Segregation of waste produced source consisting of organic waste and anorgainik
• Selection of garbage that still has a high energy source
• waste recovery with high-value resources
individual is provided at home by providing 2 units of waste collection consisted of organic and inorganic waste
communal (container or TPS) specifically to accommodate various types of organic and inorganic waste such as for plastic, glass, paper, clothing / textiles, metal, large trash (bulky waste), B3 waste (batteries, fluorescent lamps, etc. ) and others.
3. Collection
• When collecting door to door every 1 to 2 days
• The time of garbage collection TPS 1 x week
4. Transport
• Garbage collection with compactor truck is different for each type of waste.
5. Recycling
Examples of recycling activities are included:
• recovery of waste paper that can be used mainly for external purposes
• Plastic former reprocessed to be used as an ore of plastic to serve a variety of household appliances such as buckets, etc.
• Electronic equipment secondhand separated each component builders (metal, plastic / cables, batteries, etc.) and do the sorting for each component that can be reused
• The glass / glass bottle glass separated by color (white, green and dark) and destroyed
6. Composting
• Composting is done manually or semi mechanically good for the scale of individual, communal and large scale (in the landfill).
• Making holes biopori functioning composting efforts as well as holes and water infiltration.
7. Biogas
• Organic waste is processed by means of partially digested as energy (bio-gas).
• The use of bio-gas, among others for district heating, electricity, and a stove for cooking.
8. Incinerator
• Incinerator communal per unit with a minimum capacity of 500 tons per day.
• The heat energy from the incinerator is used for district heating (T 50-70 degrees Celsius) and power supplies (20 - 40% of electricity supply comes from the incinerator).
• Emissions from the Incinerator in accordance with standards of air quality components including dioxin.
9. Landfill
• Landfill facilitated by means of the main and supporting a comprehensive suggestions
• garbage compaction density reaches 700-800 ton/m3
• Closure of daily ground with geo textile
• Closure of intermediate utilize the remaining land construction
• Closure of the final land taken very tight and reaches a thickness of 2 - 10m
• Gas Processing fitted with gas regulator, suction pump gas, gas detection equipment, turbines, boilers and others.
• Processing leachate (leachate) is done by oxidation pond aerator or
• Efluennya must be channeled into the sewerage pipe leading to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)

But in fact, How to control junk simplest and most effective way is to raise awareness of the self to not damage the environment with waste. In addition it is also necessary to control social culture more respectful environment. The Role of Government in this regard is also very necessary, with rules and sanctions that exist, is expected to minimize the environmental destruction by partie.

Sumber : http://waterfres.blogspot.com/2013/02/artikel-bahasa-inggris-tentang-sampah.html

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